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Friday, October 20, 2017

Maryland Rep Embraces Corporate Amnesty Boosters

House Democrats are binding themselves tighter to the nation’s cheap-labor business community as they intensify their opposition President Donald Trump’s popular, wage-boosting immigration principles.

On Wednesday, the Democrat’s second-ranking leader, Rep. Steny Hoyer, (D-Md) tweeted out a list of corporate backers favoring the huge and expensive “Dream Act” amnesty.

The proposed amnesty does not include any safeguards for Americans, who worry that it will force down wages, drive up crime, spur more legal and illegal migration. The “Dream Act” amnesty would also drive up federal spending, and further stress schools and colleges, and it would help business-first legislators and business groups push for even more white-collar immigration to help cut salaries.

But the amnesty is popular among billionaire business leaders because they will gain economically from the extra supply of cheap labor and influx of welfare-aided customers, and will gain politically from another government endorsement of the nation’s cheap-labor economic strategy.



  1. Democrats full of crap say they are for the working man then enact policies for the rich.

  2. Hoyer / Van Holland / Cummings and that other nut ought to have a diving competition using the Bay Bridge at its highest point. They would draw the largest audience they have ever had and do MD a major favor.

  3. I find it strange that dems want dreamers for cheap labor. Aren't they the party of 15$/hr wages?


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