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Saturday, October 07, 2017

Major Clues Indicate There Was Someone Else In Vegas Shooter’s Hotel Suite

There’s a lot of rumors swirling around.


This information is coming from investigators, so it’s significantly more credible.

The Las Vegas sheriff said “he had to have help”…

It looks more and more like that was indeed the case.

According to this:



  1. According to NBC News, investigators are surprised by two things they found that could indicate others were in his rooms.

    “A charger was found that does not match any of the cell phones that belonged to Stephen Paddock,” NBC reports. Also, “garage records show that during a period when Paddock’s car left the hotel garage, one of his key cards was used to get into his room.”

    This is the "major breaking news" they are now telling us. (?)

    Am I the only one who has forgotten their cell phone charger after checking out of a hotel room? Heck, my daughter once left her personal pillow in a room she brought with her.

    It could be something or it could not. Speaking only for myself, I will not get my panties in a wad over this.

    Now the car, garage, room key issue.

    They don't say if they knew who used the car, or the key. Or if Paddock himself used either. Come on guys, you could have kept all this to yourselves if that's all you have.

    I don't know for a fact but couldn't high-end hotels take a guest's car and have it washed/detailed for him? Or maybe even the car rental place? Or, or, or.

    Some things to follow up, sure. But if the cops really put this out, they are behaving similarly to the rumor mongerers.

    Cops usually deal with facts or at least intelligent hypothesis'. These are neither.

  2. The numbers left on the note correspond with verses in the Koran.

  3. did u just wake up from a dream? lol

  4. They say the police did not arrive at his door until two minutes after he stopped shooting. Which would have been time for an accomplice to leave. There is NO proof HE actually fired the shots.

  5. Hillary Clinton !!!

  6. Shumer & Pelosi !!!


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