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Monday, October 09, 2017

‘I Hate White People’: Teen Accused Of Hate Crime Against Elderly Man In NYC

A teen was charged for assault after an alleged hate crime-related attack occurred Thursday on the New York City subway.

According to the New York Post, an 18-year-old named Devon Ahmad attacked a 65-year-old white male after the two men shared an elevator.

Ahmad reportedly said, “White people suck. I hate white people. White people are the source of my problems.”

“He then proceeded to punch the victim in the face with a closed fist,” saidNYPD spokeswoman Tiffany Phillips.



  1. Peaceful dreamer paying taxes and contributing to society. Our neighbors our friends. Hahahaha

  2. This is where concealed carry is required and should be tradition. This man would be just fine today with that in place. Do it every day, I will be on your jury.

  3. At least there is one place seeking justice for Caucasian victims of hate crimes...maybe one day a can just have regular ole crime....I'm tried of the racism card and it is very played out! If the government didn't want the division and violence between us all then most of these stories wouldn't get as much publicity...Must accused hate crimes ain't even hate crimes until afterwards! Childish Americans start thinking and learning not following and being programmed!

  4. 10:09 PM, you are right, Hahaha!!!

  5. Yeah, all of your problems were caused by Whitey, but none of them were your doing.

  6. This attitude is promoted by the media and entertainment industries... Attacking a man this old should be attempted murder.

  7. But its ok. Its a black on white issue. Just turn your head the other way.

  8. Wish he'd come after me in an elevator, but of course I'm not a victim. I'd break his dang neck. Punks.

  9. 2:21, they know who to abuse and who to stay away from. Cowards traveling in a posse.


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