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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

How Dumb Is Your Teacher


  1. 50 y/o grandfather? My grandfathers were > 65 when I was a kid, and if my father was alive today he'd be 82 for my 6 year old son.

  2. I have to consistently proof read my daughter's teacher after she checks her work and yes I have had to and back multiple papers that was graded wing with post its of corrections as well as a letter sent home from one that was about parents checking the punctuation spelling grammer and so on but was horribly written itself...so I highlighted every mistake with my daughter and sent it back to her...not once has a teacher acknowledged their mistake out took precautions to prevent it from happening over and over and over...so check your childrens work before and after or their education could suffer

  3. As a teacher myself, I can assure you that some imbecile from pearson books made this... only they are this dumb.

  4. Loretta Lynn (country singer) was a Grandma at 29 according to a show on History Channel. At 29 my first of 4 children had not been born and I was 62 before my first grand child arrived and now have 11.

  5. Different rules down south!

  6. My first grandchild came at 65. I might as well be 500 to her.

  7. @11:21 no different rules for different races not locations!!!!!!

  8. It use to be around here the mothers would be 15, their mother 30,her mother 45 and hers 60 and few lived beyond on that but some got to 75. So lets see at one time here it was possible to have a great,great,great grandmother. Now the men liked the young wives and had to work to support all this breeding so maybe you could have a grandfather and most marriages to close cousins were common until the gals started running with the Coloreds and Mexicans.

  9. 2:57, you're exactly right. That's what they get with their constant complaining and cussing.


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