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Monday, October 09, 2017

Gun Control


  1. And Schumer laughed...Why? It ain't about gun control or Obamacare or climate change.... it's about people control. What a perfect world it would be if the libs could tell us what to do, what to say and what to think.

  2. Well said. What's so hard to understand?

  3. Hooray,scream it from roof top. AMEN

  4. 10:59 While Schumer is a piece garbage it should be noted that the speech was not really given before congress and that the speaker was realy standing in front of a green screen. He was doing this to make a point. That is why he called himself the Virtual president.

  5. The turds shown in attendance whispering to one another should have been wearing pink pussy caps.

  6. Blogger Unknown said...
    Hooray,scream it from roof top. AMEN

    October 9, 2017 at 11:42 AM

    Calm down CC.

  7. Gun Control

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  8. I believe gun control is hitting your target. That is all the gun control we need.


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