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Saturday, October 14, 2017

GOP lawmaker drafts bill requiring journalists to register with police

Indiana State Rep. Jim Lucas has drafted legislation that would require professional journalists to be licensed by police.

The Republican lawmaker is taking aim at journalists for what he says is “irresponsible” coverage, proposing that they are fingerprinted and licensed to practice.

“If you’re OK licensing my Second Amendment right, what’s wrong with licensing your First Amendment right?” he said, according to the Indy Star.



  1. Full blown Communism.
    Tyrannical totalitarian government.

  2. Love it! The irony should resonate all the way to Washington.

  3. 12:43

    He is introducing this bill to illustrate how hypocritical the new media is about the second amendment and the right to bear arms


  4. Of course it's not meant to pass but to illustrate. Perhaps he should amend it to stipulate they only use single shot dial-up connections rather than semi-auto DSL or full-auto fiber optics for their devices.

  5. Don't agree with that but withholding FCC licensing for biased reporting is a good thing.

  6. He did that as a joke.

    The scary thing is that millions think that paying a fee for using your rights is a good idea.
    They also don't mind making you pass a few test, either.
    You cheer like they are helping you.
    Don't get mad when Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses have to pay more.

    It will be way too late to start whining then.

  7. If it is good enough for the 2nd Amendment it is good enough for the 1st Amendment. @nd Amendment is used for protection. They are using the 1st Amendment for overthrow of US democracy / Anarchy.


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