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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Friday the 13th…

Halloween festivities are coming into full-swing! Let’s save the nightmares for the horror films: don’t drink and drive. Halloween is a time for friends and family to enjoy candy, costumes, and memories.

Tragically, fatalities are on the rise in Cecil County. If you plan to go out with the ghouls and goblins to enjoy an adult beverage, make sure you plan a safe ride home before you leave the house.

If you have been drinking, you’re in no position to judge your own sobriety. Alcohol impairs judgment, which is why you have to have a plan before you head out.

Drunk driving is not only deadly; it’s also costly. Even if you’re not killed or injured in a crash, you can face jail time, the loss of your driver’s license, higher insurance, attorney fees, court costs, car towing bill and repairs, and lost wages due to missing work. On average, you could pay as much as $10,000 for your DUI.

Today on Friday the 13th, the rest of the Halloween season, and every day you can stay safe and protect your neighbors by following these simple tips:

• Remember, it is never okay to drink and drive. Even if you’ve had only one alcoholic beverage, designate a sober driver to get home safely.
• If you see a drunk driver on the road, call 9-1-1.
• Have a friend who is about to drink and drive? Take the keys away and make arrangements to get your friend home safely.


  1. Informing the government on your fellow citizens was a common theme in some european countries last century, just saying.

  2. 9:06 If it might save a life, I'll do it

  3. 906
    Thank you.
    Americans are sooooo stupid.


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