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Saturday, October 21, 2017

FBI Reveals Russian Collusion — With Obama and Clinton

The tangled web of Moscow's interference keeps getting stranger. No wonder Democrats are quiet.

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive.” —Sir Walter Scott (Marmion, 1808)

For more than a year, the mainstream media and the Democrats (but we repeat ourselves) were positively aflame with righteous indignation, broadcasting 24/7 claims that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to rig the 2016 election, and demanding investigations into and the impeachment of President Trump.

One might be forgiven, in the age of the 24/7 news cycle that jumps from one outrage and crisis to another, for not recognizing the disappearance of the Russia story from the headlines. One might also conclude the story’s disappearance is due to Democrats being forced to admit there is no evidence, despite intense effort to find it, of Trump/Russia collusion.

Yet even that misses the real story, which is that Democrats are now desperate to bury this story as evidence mounts that there WAS collusion with Russian operatives … by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.



  1. Hopefully they are placed in jail soon. Soros too

  2. This wasn't collision. Democrats said so. Nothing to see here. Lol

  3. Trump is a saint compared to Obama and Hillary. The Democrats are the ones that colluded with the Russians. So they make up a false story about Trump to get the spotlight off of them. Typical of the liberal Democrats, right out of their playbook. Lies and deceit are what they are best at.


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