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Thursday, October 12, 2017

ESPN host: Cowboys owner Jerry Jones 'a slave owner'

On the same day that Jemele Hill was suspended from ESPN for tweeting about politics, another network personality, Michael Wilbon, compared Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones to a slave owner.

Mr. Wilbon, co-host of “Pardon the Interruption,” took issue with Mr. Jones’ stance that players who do not stand for the national anthem before football games will not play.

“And the word that comes to my mind―and I don’t care who doesn’t like me using it―is plantation,” Mr. Wilbon said on Monday’s show. “The players are here to serve me, and they will do what I want. No matter how much I pay them, they are not equal to me. That’s what this says to me and mine.”

More here


  1. If that is how a slave is treated now a days, sign me up !

  2. Blacks seem to think no one has rights anymore but them,wonder where they get that from.

  3. If you work for a living, most companies have policies in place that can result in corrective action up to and including termination. This isn't that hard to understand.

  4. It's so sad that 154 years later that they still see themselves as slaves. Once a slave, always a slave. How can we ever get past that?

  5. he's the owner - he's the boss - what he says goes - they can play on another team right !!

  6. They see playing the race card as a tool for their agenda. If they would use all that effird to better themselves with an education and JOB they could make a difference in their lives, instead of always wanting a handout. Wilbon is just using this for his agenda. Employer's run a business and has rules/guidelines in place so the business runs well and fair for everyone. The employee can quit if he dislikes the business they are not "owned" by the employer. Wilbon knows this he's just stirring the pot and being an a**

  7. Your customers came to see a football game performed in a professional manner and to escape for 3.5 hours all the politics, war, crime, and bad news of the day.

    Give them what they came to you for, or get off the field.

  8. The ex-Michael Jordan jock sniffer only stirring the pot to see how far across the line he can cross without consequences. Idiot Wilbon knows better that Jerry is owner, general manager and what he or the other 31 owners SAY, goes.

    Good grief, yank that old fart Wilbon off the air Disney! He's pissing off your main base - WHITE PEOPLE!

  9. Mr. Wilbon. You are employed by ESPN, they are your boss. If they tell you to do something you don't want to do, you have two choices. Do it, or not do it. There are consequences to both decisions. Years ago, as a young man just starting out in my career. I made the mistake of telling my boss "that's not my job" after he told me to do something I didn't want to do. Well, he came at me, grabbed me by my shirt collar and proceeded to get his nose next to mine. He said "let me be clear on this. When you punch in, your ass is mine and you will do what I tell you to do. Any questions". That was the old school way, before everyone became such pansies. Oh yeah, BTW, he was black.

  10. They live better than any King in history. Louis XIV was a street entertainer compared to what they have and now they get compared to slaves on a plantation??? By a supposedly educated man?? Seriously?
    That was an incredibly stupid analogy.
    You and I WISH that, instead of going to school for 8-12 years or working a tough job, all we had to do was be able to run, throw, and catch for a couple of MILLION A YEAR. A year. Outrun the guy beside you.
    Good for them. Bless their hearts.
    Just PLEASE don't force me to watch you whine about "oppression". You seem to have survived it pretty damn good. And, you are far from alone. Oh? It's because you what? Worked hard? Harder than anyone?
    Now you're getting the idea.

  11. When you work for a company you follow their rules!

  12. During segregation, negro leagues attracted 50k a game and all owners were AA. Honestly, I hope they all just leave and start our own leagues. It's time for CAP to choose football or economic revolution. This is the perfect time especially after Trump called our women the B word. Desegregation has been a complete failure. We willfully gave control and all our money to a failed multi diverse culture assimilating lie that has turned us into a permanent underclass. All for a promise of equality to be a citizen by voting. During segregation, we had 400 banks, schools, businesses, wealth, colleges, cities, inventions, and our median income was equal to whites all accomplished under jim crow laws and racist presidents like Truman. Today, every economic stat a failure especially income, employment, and business. We got more educated blacks with college degrees but no job for us. Google 75k employees with 1,440 blacks. Absolutely pathetic! We know economic development is the answer to poverty and crime. White corporations have shown no desire for us and it's time we move on and force our government to remove sanctions from all african nations so we can build our future just like koreans, chinese, white nations, arabs, irish, Italian, indians, and others. BTW, I didn't come on a slave ship. My uncle 93 yrs old, say, we were here before the settlers came. Erdogan say, America did not start as a Christian nation, it was a Muslim nation first. Charles Colcock Jones, the negro over the first 175 yrs before 1776 would not convert to white Christianity. We say god, jesus. They say, you mean Allah and Mohammad. 1898 Smithsonian, the enumerator say, the negro and indian have intermixed for so long, one can not tell one from the other. Indian treaty changed from 25% to 1 drop negro blood which eliminates the dark skin negro indians. What was that DNA test called in 1898?


  13. Mr. ESPN exaggerated self-importance talking head is just a wage slave on the ESPN payroll. Same as any NFL player is on their team. Same as most of us. We know it and accept it. He's clueless and thinks he perfumes the bathroom. Just another idiot.

  14. 8:03. Better yet, since you are so oppressed why don't you move to one of the African countries. I'm sure they would welcome you


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