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Saturday, October 07, 2017

Elon Musk Says Tesla Could Get Puerto Rico's Lights Back On

Elon Musk may be about to add humanitarian relief worker to his already-impressive resume.

Musk tweeted Thursday that Tesla (TSLA, -0.48%) could help provide a long-term solution to rebuilding Puerto Rico’s electrical grid, which was devastated when Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico on Sept. 20, causing widespread damage and island-wide blackouts. Two weeks after the storm hit, only 9.2% of Puerto Ricans have seen service resume, according to Puerto Rican authorities.

The notion was set off when Scott Stapf of consulting firm The Hastings Group wondered on Twitter (TWTR, -1.86%) whether Musk could help rebuild Puerto Rico’s power infrastructure “with independent solar & battery systems.”

Perhaps to Stapf’s surprise, the billionaire investor and entrepreneur responded in the affirmative:



  1. I hope the readers realize Mr. Musk is merely the figure head of this global enterprise which is an intelligence operation.
    Musk (like Zuckerberg was placed into his position

    Intelligence is a structure which supports the interests of the richest people in the world - the international banking families.

  2. Elon Musk would be a night manager at McDonalds if it wasn't for his billions of government subsidies.

    His cars suck and he keeps making promises he can't keep.

  3. 4:15 How many have you driven? Thought so.

  4. Without billions in federal subsidies, he might not be able to run a McDonalds. He's crony capitalism at its worst. The guy's a joke and greenies tout him as the second coming. Reality matters.

  5. He came out with a home battery that would power a home for a year. That information went away within 2-3 days and revised to store the power. They are not going to allow you to have technology they don't want you to have...keep cheering!


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