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Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Ed Klein: Hillary Still Has Hopes for 2020 - Dems 'Want Her to Go Away'

Ed Klein, author of the new book “Guilty as Sin: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation,” said Hillary Clinton was still holding out for the 2020 election and hoping to work her “Clinton magic” to get into the White House.

Klein, speaking on New York AM 970 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” said Clinton hopes the Democratic Party will look at their nominees for the 2020 election and then turn to her, but he has heard a different tune from Democrats, who simply “want her to go away.”

“She, I believe from talking to people around her, still has the hopes that the Clinton magic … will come back in 2020. And when the party looks at all the nominees, they will go back to her,” he told host John Catsimatidis.



  1. We all wish she’d go away!

  2. I'm sure Keith Ellison wants her gone,LOL!

  3. I have tried everything including fantasies with Hillary. It simply doesn't work with her. Same thing with Chelsea. Maybe her supporters know something I don't.

    I would like to know if Bill's weak moment can be attributed to drugs. He doesn't seem to have ANY control over Hillary yet he yields to younger babes like Weiner (Lolita Island).

  4. She'll be in nursing home care before you know it.

  5. We all want the HildaBeast to go away!

  6. Let her Arogant self run again = Shure WIN for Trump !!!!

  7. Even her husband wants her to go away. But he'd be a lost ball in tall weeds without her.

  8. Away, like federal prison away.

  9. Sign her up for a Pheasant Hunt with a certain Republican.

  10. Democrats will be very foolish to let her run....sure loss.

  11. During the Arkansas years, Bill sported a white mustache and made a lot of $$ from the secret airport traffic. It's likely that his habit didn't change over the years.


  12. Her 15 minutes were extended but have now elapsed. As long as we have Leap Year and she still hacks out breath we are likely to be treated to the spectacle of her pantsuit shuffling around and railing about this and that. No reason Harold Stassen's record should go unchallenged and she's just the gal to try.


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