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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Economist: Mass Immigration to U.S. Is World’s ‘Largest Anti-Poverty Program’

Decades of mass immigration to the United States, with more than 1.5 million legal immigrants entering the country every year, is the world’s “largest anti-poverty program” at the expense of blue-collar American workers and the middle class, says a Harvard University economist.

In an interview with Talking Points Memo, economist George Borjas detailed how more than five decades of mass immigration of low-wage foreign nationals to the U.S. have negatively impacted America’s poor, working class, and middle class in the labor force.

Borjas explains:

"Since 1965, we have admitted a lot of low-skilled immigrants, and one way to view that policy is that we were running basically the largest anti-poverty program in the world. That is actually not a bad thing at all. Except someone is going to have to pay the cost for that.

"This is the question that most progressives don’t want to face up to. They really want to believe that immigrants are manna from heaven. That everybody is really better off and that everybody is happy forever after. What they refuse to confront is the reality that nothing in the world is like manna from heaven. In any policy change, some people benefit a lot and some people don’t. And this point also applies to immigration, which has created the dynamics of where we are now."

More here


  1. Nobody Cares about the Real Americans that are here and
    Born here. Or our Veterans who Fought & Died for America.
    The Country has been Given away for far too long and the
    Obama & Clinton & Demon-crate Bunch are the Reason for Alot
    of it . Open Borders / Illegals can stay / Sanct Cities
    This country is loosing it's identity and will be Much like
    Europe instead of the America we still alive today, grew up
    in. Fact It may even turn into the Middle East !!

  2. Feel Sorry for the Kids who will inherit the America that
    is to come & the World to come.
    It is hard enough Now to get by
    What will a car cost in 20 years ? A House ?
    How the hell are they going to Pay for it !!!!
    What will gas cost ??
    What will Electric Bills / Rent / Be ?? !!!
    How many Jobs will they have to work ??
    How many more Wars have to be fought ??

    Not looking good ...............!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. How Big will the Nat'l DEBT be in 20 yrs ??
    Will America file Chapter 7 ?? with China ????

    It Never goes down , so , What do you think ???
    How Many Billions Per Day are waisted Now ???

  4. That's a lot of questions.

  5. Glad my lifetime is almost over....at least my lifetime
    was better than what is coming !!
    America Can be taken over someday , by China or Russia
    and it should not be Overconfident .........
    It could be Destroyed from Within too , which is under way !
    I could be Nuked at Anytime too, So ,Enjoy Every Day !! It
    Can be the Last !!!


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