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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Dolphins coach resigns after snorting video surfaces

WARNING: This video includes disturbing content

Miami Dolphins offensive line coach Chris Foerster has resigned, less than 12 hours after a video of him snorting a white powder surfaced online.

“I am resigning from my position with the Miami Dolphins and accept full responsibility for my actions. I want to apologize to the organization and my sole focus is on getting the help that I need with the support of my family and medical professionals,” Foerster said in a statement Monday.



  1. I hope he does get help, cuz he has LOTS of demons to slay!

    1. How would you possibly have any specific insight into what "demons" he needs to deal with? He snorted coke so he must be an addict, wife beating, child raping felon is that It? You bible thumpers love to render judgement with No facts.

    2. He has demons because he's a coke head. I'm almost sure he didn't wake up and say today I'm going to be an addict, cut off the head and the rest will die

  2. I looked up the word 'stupid' I the dictionary, and there was his picture.

  3. Career change coming?

  4. "Foerster, who turns 56 on Thursday, is one of the highest-paid assistant coaches in the NFL, at a salary valued between $2.5 million and $3 million a year."

    What a doofus.

  5. Did he take a knee to protest his own illegal actions?

  6. The most offensive line the Dolphins have is on Chris Foersters nightstand.

  7. 1115 asshat of the day. Facts? NFL coach making over 1 MILLION dollars a year, thinking he loves a hooker, who's filming him snorting coke.

    There are lots of demons there to see if you would open your eyes and stop bitching what YOU think. Not to mention your sorry assed statement about bible thumpers, you must have had it "real bad" as a youngin, Ned Beatty!

    (psst, think Deliverance!)

    1. Your emotional, factless response only serves to prove my point. The world is full of emotional, irrational people and the best thing we can do is avoid them and hope they don't reproduce.

    2. Please don't breed!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1115 asshat of the day. Facts? NFL coach making over 1 MILLION dollars a year, thinking he loves a hooker, who's filming him snorting coke.

    He filmed it himself asshat

  9. Was he KNEILING ???


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