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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Craft Brewers Hoping To Crowdfund $213B To Buy Anheuser-Busch InBev

With Anheuser-Busch InBev, MillerCoors, Sapporo, and other beer behemoths snapping up craft brewers left and right, the Craft Brewers Association is asking why this acquisition spree can’t also go the other way, which is why it’s trying to crowdfund a mere $213 billion to buy AB InBev, and then do… something, maybe, with it. 


  1. Bring that Traitor beer Back to America.

  2. Joe look this up oct 2012
    Barck insane Obama sent impersonal form letter to fallen Marines and seals.

  3. The theory is if everyone contributed $1,000 THEY would own the asset and you would own nothing. Not my kind of investing. Get a loan like everyone else does.

  4. 8:40 AM yes all us patriots already knew that but it didn't fit the MSM narrative of their daily Trump Trashing.

  5. The beer industry isn't Ben & Jerry's.


  6. Why? Wasn't much of a beer when it was owned and HQ in St. Louis.

  7. The simple fact is that you pay $6 for the same glass of beer that you used to pay $1.50 for. The name just changed to "craft".


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