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Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Clinton Will Support A Woman For President On One Condition

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday evening that she would support a woman for president if that candidate was a like-minded Democrat.

“I just hope she’s someone I agree with, so I can support her,” Clinton told a crowd in Toronto Thursday evening.

The former 2016 Democratic nominee for president also said that the only way to extricate sexism from politics is to have more women run for office. It does not appear Clinton would throw her weight behind a candidate simply because she is a woman. The candidate also needs to share her views on politics and policy, which are definitively on the left-side of the American political spectrum.

Clinton blamed women who didn’t vote for her in 2016 on misogyny, claiming they listened to the men in their lives on who to support.

“All of a sudden, the husband turns to the wife, ‘I told you, she’s going to be in jail. You don’t wanna waste your vote.’ The boyfriend turns to the girlfriend and says, ‘She’s going to get locked up, don’t you hear? She’s going to get locked up,” Clinton told Vox in September. “Instead of saying, ‘I’m taking a chance, I’m going to vote,’ it didn’t work.”



  1. Hillary doesn't get it.

  2. Any woman that would agree with that POS has no chance of getting elected!

    Between her stands on socialism, gun-control, Benghazi, and her mafia-like family business, the voting public now knows her real inner self and what she wants for this country!

  3. Must use her Private server !!!

  4. Last I heard, she has no job and no standing asd to anything. Based on that, who cares who she supports or likes in any race at all!

  5. Doesn't that fly in the face of all women who voted for Hillary just because she's a woman?

  6. So she wants her girlfriend to run?

  7. Well....she finally gets it. Even if she isn't willing to admit it. I wanted to vote for a woman but couldn't because I didn't like what she stood for. DUH....

  8. Lock her up lock her up lock her up. I can't wait to see it happen.

  9. I would easily vote against anyone Hillary supports, male or female!

  10. 1 She won't support just any woman, but every woman was supposed to support her because she's a woman???
    2 There is no one who thinks like Hillary. Thank God!

  11. Maybe the only way to get this piglet out of the public eye is to lock her up. She would get free treatment for her obsession for attention.


  12. She is merely crazy!


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