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Sunday, October 29, 2017

City Receives $350,000 Grant from DOJ’s Office on Violence Against Women

Partnership with Life Crisis Center and Telamon Maryland & Delaware Inc. will use grant to fund transitional housing, counseling for victims of domestic violence

Salisbury, MD – The City of Salisbury is pleased to announce the receipt of a grant award from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office on Violence against Women. In conjunction with the Life Crisis Center and Telamon Corporation, the $350,000 award will create a transitional housing program for women actively fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault, dating abuse, or stalking.

“Securing safe and affordable housing is a critical first step for many women fleeing an abusive relationship,” says Theo Williams, Housing & Homelessness Manager. “Unfortunately, abusers frequently use housing and a lack of income as a means of control to ensure that their victims can’t leave. This grant fund addresses this critical problem by giving women the safety and security to leave their abusers knowing that they will have a place to live.”

The funding, which will be distributed over three years, will enable the Life Crisis Center to hire a housing specialist, in addition to providing short-term rental funding for up to 9 households, annually. Women in the program will also be offered free enrollment in Telamon Corporation’s highly successful Food and Safety Training program, a 14-week intensive course that enables participants to receive a ServSafe certification. The City will also partner with the Life Crisis Center to create a single-family transitional house that may become homeowner-occupied.

“What a terrific way to celebrate Domestic Violence Awareness month,” said Life Crisis Center Director, Abigail Marsh. “Life Crisis Center is committed to helping victims become survivors. We are thrilled to be partnering with the City of Salisbury and Telamon to provide additional support to victims of domestic violence in our community."

Salisbury Mayor Jake Day said, “Four of the seven homicides we’ve seen in the past year occurred as the result of a domestic issue. Four of seven committed by people who were close to their victims. Domestic violence has historically been an ugly, poorly-kept secret in so many communities across the country. Unnoticed by those who could help – sometimes ignored because it’s uncomfortable to confront. We will not abide mental abuse, physical abuse, or any circumstance which leads to the loss of dignity or peace of mind.

“We are creating change in our City, and in our community at large, by seeking out opportunities such as this partnership, this grant funding, to implement innovative solutions right here. It’s why we created the Housing and Community Development Department; to bring needed attention to the issues in our community which have too long gone unaddressed. By partnering with Life Crisis Center and Telamon on this initiative, we’re bringing resources together in a new, inventive way, to provide support, escape, haven for anyone who may find themselves in an abusive situation.”

The Life Crisis Center intends to begin full operation of this program by January 2018, but continues to operate its crisis shelter 24x7 for anyone fleeing domestic violence. If you are experiencing domestic violence or have been a victim of sexual assault, please call the Life Crisis Center at (410) 749-HELP or 211.


  1. Life Crisis Center is a God send, I know, Ive been there.

    1. Life crisis is definitely a god send to a lot of women in this area. Sadly though you have a mayor that calls himself a man of god and has teamed up with the "popularity ministry" out there in Hebron, croppers cult. Day finds anyone attempting to combat Salisbury's ridiculous decay of family and troubled youth and attaches himself at the hip. Now he's buddy buddy with a pastor Sheehan that is on some of local popularity committee clique's supposedly doing so much greatness for the area when in fact its effect is merely on their inner circles. Day what's your church think of you selling any and all out to further your personal social agenda? Should you take money from police and fire and we all know that ANY monies coming into Salisbury from now until June 2018 are going to your folk festival fantasy. Is this the curriculum you're learning out there, continue to further ones personal goals and closest friends goals to put the rest in harms way. You all ate a pretty prideful arrogant bunch of narcissistic pu***** if you ask me. Take advantage of others to make yourself look tremendously successful. Your weak day and planning a life living of taxpayers funds. Must be pretty bad with daddy being CEO at perdue and you have to try and create a life at Salisbury city government

    2. @6:42 it seems as though Salisbury's young thugs priced exactly your point. Day and his cronies are more worried about self promotion and a sense of false accomplishments while Salisbury's streets are becoming a battle ground

  2. Wonder how that money will be pissed away?

  3. Hope all the money goes to it.

    1. Day has already proved he will take money from wherever to support his personal agenda. Glantz won't hold him accountable for any sketchy decisions. It literally is going to take the threat of or actual jail time to rid Salisbury of this problem

  4. More money with strings attached that we aren't told about until later.

  5. watch out guys.....

  6. Well Im glad the federal government and Fed Reserve printed up some money for this worthy cause.l
    In the process, they devalued every single US Dollar in circulation.
    But who cares?

  7. Joe can the SBYNEWS staff do a story and get pics of the road divider Steel Fence at rt 50 at Arby's there is No protection at each end of the steel fence the city is looking at a Major Lawsuit when someone hits it with there car plus the cost to replace it please send someone to get pics this mayor is Stupid.

  8. Anon 6:42 Hell is right around the corner. Enjoy

    1. Thank you so much on sure we'll meet up there!

  9. And what, pray, are they gonna spend it on?????

  10. Hopefully Life Crisis Center keeps track of money given them from this grant...AND reports it!

  11. 6:42. Something is wrong with you.

    1. No I believe there's really something wrong with Jake day lying about what he's truly up to. His backhanded attempt to totally control both city and county government. Sheehan is taking credit for academic learning center being built on SU campus, REALLY?? GUIRRIEU donated initial trusts all over Salisbury and because this guy solicited grant funding he's responsible for the buildings construction?? Bill cropper, there's no words to describe what a douche bag fraud this guy is. He's all about promoting him some bill cropper

  12. No, 8:31, 642 sounds right on the mark here. Do you remember voting to allot ten million dollars starting in less that a year for a Folk Festival to come invade us for 3 days? The money isn't in our City Budget, so where is it coming from?

    Use your head!

  13. I can't imagine what it must be like to feel as if there is no way out. Hopefully this will encourage women to get the help they need. It would be nice if certain local businesses would partner with the organization to employee some of these women.

  14. Seriously doubt that grant will be used by Day for violence against women. He'll probably misappropriate it into some f-ing folk festival fund.

    1. Trust me when I say this he had all that done prior to this little news briefing. Ask any city employee what the main objective is from now until June

  15. No doubt 1136. That money is going right to the festival. Someone should clue in Sessions and stop payment on that check. Better yet, lock up Day for misappropriating money from the DOJ.

  16. Day's scamming the DOJ. Brilliant! Simply Brilliant!

  17. Grants----They're tax payers money,
    did you know????

  18. Jake Day: "Yes, I'd like some money to spread awareness of violence against women. No, we don't have any rapes in Salisbury."


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