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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Can The President Actually Take Away A Network’s Broadcast License For “Fake News”?

Irked by an NBC News story he claims is false, President Trump stated this morning that it may be time to “challenge” the network’s broadcast license. But what does that even mean — and would the Trump administration have the authority to yank a TV station’s access to the airwaves over a news story?

It all started when NBC News ran a report about the President claiming that he had at one point asked national security advisers for a massive increase in the nation’s nuclear arsenal.

Trump objected to the report, calling it “pure fiction” and denigrating it with his frequent epithet, “fake news.” Then, in a second tweet, he went a step farther, saying, “With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!”



  1. I'm sure if the gov't wants to get you, they will find a way to get you.

    Remember, they didn't get Al Capone for being a gangster, they got him for tax evasion.

  2. Yes it can happen through the FCC, The can decline to renew.

  3. I hope he can, its long past due for accountability. The fake news is simply lying, propaganda with the intent to manipulate the masses in the same way a terrorist does. Its not freedom of speech...its the abuse of it, no different than subliminal brain washing of the masses. There needs to be laws made to bring accountability to the lying politicians also, no more relying on the corrupt voting system, there needs to be prison time. Same for judges that rule with politics rather than the rule of law.

  4. 11:38 you are contributing to an assault on free press? Perhaps you should read some of Thomas Jefferson's works

  5. Joe I am becoming more and more alarmed at the thought of a President having the power to remove the press. Imagine if Nobama had done this! We must not let these liberal v conservative issues make us forget the freedoms our country was based on! The world is full of misinformation, a leader becomes dangerous when he controls information.

  6. All the govt. can do is take away licenses of local stations one at a time. Nixon did this and got alot of political fallout from it.
    There is nothing the FCC or anyone can do to stop NBC as a Entire Broadcast entity.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Joe I am becoming more and more alarmed at the thought of a President having the power to remove the press. Imagine if Nobama had done this! We must not let these liberal v conservative issues make us forget the freedoms our country was based on! The world is full of misinformation, a leader becomes dangerous when he controls information.

    October 12, 2017 at 12:03 PM

    nobody is removing the free press. he is criticizing the FAKE press. nothing more than a propaganda arm. the sky is not falling

  8. 1:10 what you fail to see is that he could then theoretically deem any negative press as "Fake news", which he has been saying a lot of and move to do the same. You think Nationalist leaders took control overnight? Control the media, control the sheeple.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    All the govt. can do is take away licenses of local stations one at a time. Nixon did this and got alot of political fallout from it.
    There is nothing the FCC or anyone can do to stop NBC as a Entire Broadcast entity.

    October 12, 2017 at 12:48 PM

    You are correct for the most part or even all of it.

    It would be a long and tedious endeavor to revoke or deny all the individual, independent stations of any particular network. And probably would not be successful in the long run.

    Like I stated about Al Capone, they would probably have to go a different route to get the results of punishing a network.

    Keeping in mind that networks are owned by other, larger and more wealthy entities with their corp fingers in other activities it would be a daunting task, to say the least. Not to mention the repercussions of disturbing those entities and the various activities they are associated with.

    So, while there are some actions this admin could take, I don't think we will see a loss of any network anytime soon, nor by the method of revoking any license.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1:10 what you fail to see is that he could then theoretically deem any negative press as "Fake news", which he has been saying a lot of and move to do the same. You think Nationalist leaders took control overnight? Control the media, control the sheeple.

    October 12, 2017 at 1:25 PM

    No, I don't think I fail to see anything. This isn't the 1950's or 60's. Things are not as simple as they might have been back then. Plus we have the internet now. Information can travel the whole world now in minutes, not months or years.

    There is some truth in what you say about controlling the people through media. After all, they don't call it "programming" for nothing.

    The news is manipulated every day. Just the angle of a picture, what is allowed to be seen, the description of the picture, all can be manipulated to "prove" a particular viewpoint, whether true or not.

    And that goes back to that old adage, believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.

  11. Bigger picture here - the President is getting many topical conversations going (maybe too many at a time), good/bad/indifferent the key here is people are talking. Once talking stops - then everyone should worry.

    Until then, keep on keepin on!

  12. 12:00 You apparently either, can't follow logical English or are just trolling.

    11:38 is stating, and I am paraphrasing, say anything you want, but be prepared to be accountable.

    I hope that is clear enough for you. How is that an assault on "free press?" Also, If you want to give sources, ie., Thomas Jefferson, it is wise to state your reason. Perhaps you should read some of Hunter S. Thompson's works. See? No real argument on my part by merrily stating famous authors.

    I don't even think what 11:38 stated mattered to you. You had that argument in your pocket for some moronic reason, and you just wanted to use it at some failed attempt to condescend someone for some shallow reason. Fail!

  13. The Govt CAN take away Any Business License !!!
    It is the AUTHORITY in America
    It can use this to Bring Back All companys from Overseas !!
    It can use this to Hire American !!!
    It can use this to fix the Kneeling in Football !!!

    And should do it !!!!
    It is Not a Right to be in business ...it is a Privilage !!

  14. October 12, 2017 at 8:20 PM

    From your mouth to God's ear?

    You remind me of those morons who attack Trump. Just say whatever crap that pops into their heads without a gram of evidence. But then, not much evidence to be found for outright lies.

    Good job Mr. Darrow. lol


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