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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Bring Down Leftist Foundations Like the Mafia

The Department of Justice has been investigating DisruptJ20, a "resistance" group that plotted to shut down President Trump's inauguration. The DOJ has demanded the IP addresses of visitors, along with any emails, photos and names it can get. But the pipeline of Dj20 funding goes back to George Soros.

And not just Soros.

Money from the Global Justice Alliance went to Refuse Fascism, a group founded by members of the Revolutionary Communist Party, which staged violent protests. “Respectable” big money leftist groups like the Hill Snowdon Foundation and Ben and Jerry’s Foundation fund middlemen like the Alliance. And then the Alliance funds “direct action” groups that are willing to get their hands violently dirty.

The DOJ, better than anyone, should understand this model. It’s commonplace among criminals.

And when you go after criminals, you don’t stop with the street thugs. Instead you go after the bosses..

More here


  1. Cut off the head of the snake!

  2. I have been saying this for years and do not know what is taking this DOJ so long to lock them up.

  3. If you think "they" can be brought down you are naive.

    If you think the swamp can be drained you are naive.

    Think bigger.

    The Illuminati Globalists are very powerful and wealthy.
    They inherited both power and wealth from families who have been powerful and wealthy for CENTURIES.
    Wake up.

  4. 7:24 - Sadly, I agree with you, but will not stop the fight.

    Soros needs to be sent back to his home land.


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