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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Breaking News: A U.S. woman and her family are free after 5 years as hostages in Afghanistan

She and her husband were held by militants while backpacking.
An American woman and her family who have been held hostage by militants in Afghanistan for five years have been freed, ending a case that has long frustrated diplomats and F.B.I. agents involved in trying to secure their release, according to people familiar with the situation.
The family was in Pakistan early Thursday, and the White House was preparing to release a statement once they are safely in American hands, according to people who described their status on condition of anonymity because the details have not yet been made public.
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  1. While I am sure there is more to the "backpacking" then we can picture in our minds, All I can think to say is :ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Who the heck goes backpacking in that are of the world in this day and time?
    People have to maKE better choices of WHERE they go "backpacking"!

  2. 1146 which was the right choice. Just like the kid in North Korea, why waste time with someone foolish enough to "backpack" in Afghanistan. Clearly more to the story that none of us know so you may want to hold further judgement. Based off what was reported though, I wouldn't life a finger either.

  3. Really ? A pregnant woman and her husband goes pack packing in Afghanistan.. gets kidnapped and then has 2 more children with her husband while in captivity?why would you have more kids while being held captive... no birthcontrol .. well then I would not have sex ...I am betting there is more to this story..


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