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Monday, October 09, 2017

Breaking News: The E.P.A. chief plans to repeal President Obama's signature climate policy, setting up a fight over U.S. efforts to tackle global warming

At an event in eastern Kentucky, Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, said that his predecessors had departed from regulatory norms in crafting the Clean Power Plan, which was finalized in 2015 and would have pushed states to move away from coal in favor of sources of electricity that produce fewer carbon emissions.
“The war on coal is over,” Mr. Pruitt said. “Tomorrow in Washington D.C., I will be signing a proposed rule to roll back the Clean Power Plan. No better place to make that announcement than Hazard, Kentucky.”
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  1. Tackle global warming? What a joke. Global warming, if it exists at all, can be chased, but it will never be tackled.

  2. Climate has beed changing for eons, and there's nothing any law can do about it. Taxing people cannot change what Mother Nature makes happen, not rain, not hurricanes.

    Trump knows this.

  3. Global warming and Climate change is all a hoax to control individuals it's another power grab.

  4. Global warming is a hoax for the sole purpose of redistribution of wealth. They get the U.S. to pay billions of dollars to other countries for the purpose of controlling pollution in their country. And they take our money and use on anything they want and their pollution still doesn't get any better.

  5. It has only been 100 years since the modern industrial revolution leading to the record amounts of fossil fuels being burned today and the huge amounts of pollution including radioactive waste. How can you deny that this is not having a negative impact on our planet and atmosphere?

  6. b/c we have only been recording weather SINCE the industrial revolution +100 years ago. dope

    check out the sunspot activity. that controls weather more than anything. READ

  7. Weather has been recorded for centuries....READ. No need to call name unless you have no facts to back up your claims. Typical actions of the under educated.

    1. 506, why are you wating time with folks who devoutly believe in "alternative facts"?

  8. The only place where we have global warming is in the computer models and massaged data that keeps adjusting older records down to make new measurements seem warmer.

    Look at the HUGE scandal in Australia where the bureau of meteorology was recently caught having their electronic weather recording stations rigged to not record any temps below -10c

    The lying cheating and out right falsification of science to support man made global warming is rampant.

    Like commenters above have said, this is all about wealth transfer

  9. Does introducing smoke from burning tobacco lead to cancer cells forming in lung tissue? YES. Why would one not think that introducing exhaust from billions of fossil fuel burning machines causes changes in the earth and atmosphere?

  10. 7:28

    Because there is nothing on this earth that hasn't always been here.


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