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Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Bombshell: Dems/Teamsters Order Puerto Rican Stand-Down To Embarrass Trump

Only 20% of truck drivers showing up as essential aid backed up for miles

Democrats and Puerto Rican teamsters have orchestrated a stand-down of essential supply distribution throughout Puerto Rico in an effort to make President Trump appear ineffective at responding to the humanitarian crisis.

The Puerto Rico teamsters Union called “Frente Amplio,” a group of private contractors working for the federal government, are refusing to distribute key supplies throughout Puerto Rico because they’re seeking revenge over policies they view as hurtful to their industry set by the Puerto Rican governor.



  1. How dumb can you get. Hurt yourselves to make someone else look back. Can't make this mess up.

  2. just another reason to ban all unions.

    1. This is the dumbest comment ever. I am union and I am proud to be. Also, I bet I make more then you too. Loser

  3. How cold hearted can you get?

  4. They want to control or take away our 2nd Amendment because of crazy peoples actions. With that same rationale then the Democrats and Unions are to be held accountable for the deaths in Puerto Rico because they will not work to help the needy ones from these storms. Blatant neglect resulting in death is grounds for impeachment and criminal charges. Punish them and punish them to the max.

  5. Dumbocrats have been doing this for years.
    Remember when Kathleen Sebelius, then governor of Kansas purposely slowed down the help to the victims of the Greensburg Kansas tornado to try and make Bush look bad?


  6. All you union people, all you leftists-- do you see this?

    Treating suffering people as disposable props in order to make your political 'point'.

    Well, you made it.

    You PROVE every day what the left is all about. You demonstrate every day how people can cunningly make others their slaves in order to further their high-minded agenda.

    Slavery was basically a democrat thing. You'll note that it was the democrats who fought so hard to keep their slaves.

    Kinda like today.

  7. Well how did that work for everyone?


  8. Sounds like a union that needs busting.


  9. Firing offense. Not complicated.


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