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Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Blacks, Crime, and the Bended Knee

Fresh off the heels of the march on Charlottesville and the destruction of historical monuments in the South by Black Lives Matter, protests are occurring; this time it is against our National Anthem and our flag in stadiums across our country. “Taking the knee“ was first introduced by former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick about a year ago, but has since gained in momentum as many other black athletes with million-dollar salaries have joined in solidarity with demonstrations against white oppression and racism.

Whites comprise about 75 percent of America's population and they have had just about enough of the offensive accusations, protests, and moral outrage directed at them. Yes, blacks were brought here centuries ago as slaves, but America did not originate slavery nor do we still practice slavery, as do parts of Africa and Muslim nations today. In fact, America fought a civil war to end slavery. It's been over 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation, thus, the fate of today's blacks rests not upon yesterday's slaveholders, but upon today's failed black leadership who have intentionally kept America's blacks on an imaginary plantation through the indoctrination of victimhood. By instilling the notion that blacks today are the victims of white racism and "white privilege", black leadership (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and Maxine Waters, to name a few) have created not only an entitlement mentality, but a dependency and helplessness prevalent among young blacks in inner cities throughout the country.

It is not “whitey” who is committing 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders, 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties throughout the United States. Despite comprising only about 15 percent of the population in those counties. 91 percent of blacks are murdered by other blacks. Blacks comprise 10 percent of the population, but commit 42 percent of the robberies and 34 percent of felonies. In a report from the Department of Justice, over a 30-year period between 1980 and 2008, blacks committed half of all homicides in the United States despite comprising only 13 percent of the population. https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-black-americans-commit-crime



  1. Makes sense, Seems as though the media constantly reminds Black people they are oppressed and can't make it without them.

  2. The more I think about the knee, the less I am offended. It could be they go down because they are too lazy to stand.

  3. C'mon man.

    That is too much truth at once.

    It makes one sorry for the black people. They will never have anything, be anything, or accomplish anything until the white man helps them or gives it to them. At least, that's THEIR take.
    Another reason for sadness.
    Poor things.
    It's pitiful to be so dependent for your well-being, indeed, your entire existence, on a race that is scolded for hating you so much.
    I think you have all the eggs in the wrong basket.
    OR, you could teach children that doing well in school is not "acting white", but preparing for the future. You could stop calling each other "nigger" while claiming it's white people who are racist.
    You could tell the young men that prison time is NOT a badge of honor and that having 6 kids (that someone else has to raise and support) is NOT a proud achievement. Stop them from promoting music that glorifies murder, drug dealing, revenge, racism, and misogyny.
    Marry the mother of your children -- AFTER you know you can afford one.
    Keep cheering.

  4. Statistics do not lie!

  5. Blacks are the first to accuse and blame everyone for their problems including the government. However they are first in line for all the "freebies" the government dishes out; food stamps, welfare, subsidized housing etc. Maybe they should stand-up and create a better life for themselves by correcting their lifestyle and behavior.

    1. Amen! Tis easier to blame then take responsibility!

  6. Why is it that foreign leaders speak better English than the Kneelers, BLM, and many other black Americans. They stay true to their culture, claiming it provides an identity, but then get upset when the rest of the populous calls them out for their differences. Can't have it both ways. Either assimilate or have a light shown on you for your negative actions. It's not the white crackers fault. Maybe 50-75 years ago, but, come on man, take some responsibility!

  7. So much to say about black violence, never much said about the # of mass violence occurring. focus on the violence in your own culture.

  8. 6:33...it NOT just the violence in the black culture.
    That is just one aspect of their failure to achieve.
    Its the family structure that is killing them.
    No father means no discipline. No example of how a man should act.
    Top that of with a healthy overdose of victim politics, where black people are told that they can't do anything or achieve anything unless a white person HELPS them or GIVES them some more free stuff. And they fall for it.
    Does a single mother, on welfare since she was 18, never employed, no diploma and no ambition, set ANY kind of example for success to her "keeds"? F no.
    Who do they look up to? Jay-Z? 50 Cent? Kaepernick?
    The local gang banger driving a Benz?
    It ain't hard-working Dad, that's for sure.
    If they know who he is, they probably only get to see him on the weekends.
    Your CULTURE is screwing you up.
    It ain't "white privilege", which, in the end, is just another excuse for failure. And there is a long line of excuses for them.
    Switch gears, people. TRY some hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and integrity. You can get yourself some "white privilege" if you do....
    Or, have another baby from a future convict who will never be able to pay child support, except through garnishment.
    keep cheering.


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