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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Black death warning in NINE countries - including Brit holiday hotspots - amid fears PLAGUE could spread on flights from Madagascar

The deadly plague outbreak has struck Madagascar's major cities sparking fears it has yet to 'peak' and could spread into the surrounding region

PLAGUE warnings have been issued for NINE countries surrounding Madagascar amid fears the disease could spread via sea trade and flight routes.

The outbreak is considered a much bigger threat to the region than in previous years because it has taken on its pneumonic form - meaning it is airborne and spread by sneezing and coughing.

And experts say the epidemic could still worsen as the death tolls hits 124 and more than 1,300 are left infected.

The medieval disease famously wiped out ONE THIRD of Europe's population in the 13th and 14th centuries in one of the most devastating pandemics in human history known as the Black Death.
Dr Ashok Chopra, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Texas, told The Sun Online the crisis in Madagascar had yet to peak.

He warned it was possible for the deadly plague to move further into the region given the regular flights going in and out of the country.



  1. Black Death, isn't that what is happening in Chicago?

  2. The black death has already reached Chicago blacks are dying everyday .

  3. Y’all are too ignorant to insult

  4. The old expression, "spreads like the plague", says it all.

  5. History repeats itself but no one ever reads so we are all safe. After all of us are dead from whatever plague the cockroaches will still be here picking the bones.

  6. Black Lives don't Matter, so why should we be concerned about "Black Death"?


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