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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Bannon on Winning: ‘Every Day Is Like Christmas’ After Grassroots Conservatives Thrashed GOP Establishment in Alabama

Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon told the Values Voter Summit on Saturday that grassroots conservative candidate Judge Roy Moore’s victory in the Alabama GOP Senate runoff against D.C. establishment Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) reminded President Donald Trump to dance with the ones that brung him.

“Every day is like Christmas Day now,” Bannon said. “I can’t wait to get up … It’s going to be a new package under [the tree] … this is the Trump program … this is what we all wanted.”

Bannon added, “Heck, I hope they’ll announce that the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization and move our embassy to Jerusalem.”

Bannon said that Trump “had some bad information and some bad advice given to him” before the Alabama GOP Senate runoff, as “folks were telling him things that just weren’t so.”

“Look what happens when the president knows he has your support,” he said.


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