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Sunday, October 08, 2017

Baltimore Ravens national anthem singer resigns: 'I do not belong there'

Baltimore Ravens national anthem singer Joey Odoms announced his resignation Tuesday -- two days after hundreds of NFL players knelt during “The Star-Spangled Banner,” including several Ravens players.

Odoms, a former Maryland National Guard member who served in Afghanistan, announced the move in a Facebook and Instagram post, The Baltimore Sun reported.

"The tone/actions of a large number of NFL fans in the midst of our country's cultural crisis have convinced me that I do not belong there," Odoms wrote. "Someone once told me to always 'go where you're welcomed.’ This is not an emotional reaction to recent events, rather an ethical decision that part of me regrets but my core knows is the right choice."




  1. I don't belong anywhere near the NFL, either!

  2. He resigned because of "a large number of NFL fans", not because of the players kneeling? Am I understanding this correctly? If so, I'm sure his National Guard comrades will have his back...I believe he one else while singing 2 weeks ago. LOD.

    1. Do you support him or against him?

  3. yes, he quit because of US fans booing the players. get out of here, good riddance. if Players have the "right to protest" so do the PAYING FANS

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He resigned because of "a large number of NFL fans", not because of the players kneeling? Am I understanding this correctly? If so, I'm sure his National Guard comrades will have his back...I believe he one else while singing 2 weeks ago. LOD.

    September 27, 2017 at 7:36 PM

    Yes, you read that correctly. He quit because of the FANS not liking the kneeling. He did NOT quit because the players were kneeling. Good riddance.

  5. They should let the fans sing the Anthem this Sunday!

  6. 77 percent of viewers are white. They support a sport the is 75 percent black. I wonder how this will turn out for NFL stocks? The players are often multimillionaires and feel oppressed because White American worships them? Not only through apparel but with forced taxes.

  7. If these FOOLS want to spread this then we the PEOPLE will spread the BOYCOTT and let's see who's POCKET hurts first ?

  8. Boooooo. Boooo. Get real. You are paid to play ball. Get your a_ s up and to so or give your millions back and go demonstrate for your cause. See how quickly you understand what the American flag represents. Millionaire brats.

  9. Folks shouldn't boo during the National Anthem.

    Boo the players.

    Boycott the game or the products.

    But don't boo during the National Anthem.

  10. No 939, allen west says boycotts are evil bullying and coercion

  11. Thank you sir. God will be with you on your new endeavors. On behalf of all red blooded Americans with little voice we stand with you.

  12. @ 5:22 He quit because he's an idiot, not because he's offended by the kneeling...he is afraid of the FANS because they don't agree with the wussies that are the players.

  13. 5:22 God will NOT be with him. The Bible says it in NOT just a civic duty to love and support your country, it is also a Christian duty.
    The Bible is also up front and to the point, that if you are a lukewarm Christian God will spit you out of His mouth.

  14. NOW the scumbags are trying to have the national anthem stopped completely.

  15. Notice here and other articles - the WRONG people are resigning/quitting their jobs, while players continue to play and are NOT held accountable!

    Wrong Wrong Wrong!

  16. Poor little singer boy. Fans booed while you were singing, but they weren't booing the song or your singing, they were booing the players that were on their knees while you were singing. If you didn't quit because the players were disrespecting your song and your singing it, then GOOD-RIDDANCE. You are correct, you are not welcome there by the fans, or the players.

  17. During the singing of the National Anthem is no time for booing. I don't support the kneeling and have stopped supporting the NFL in any way, but suggest that those who are predisposed to booing the irreverent players sing along loudly instead.

  18. I'm ready for the lingerie ball to replace the NFL.

  19. It's a Black nationalist protest now and all people should shun this kind of racism. But the networks promote it so what are you going to do.

  20. I agree with 11:19 and 6:30. Booing during the national anthem is as bad as kneeling or raising your fist. At least wait till after the singer has finished.

  21. "If you voted for someone who said he prefers soldiers who don't get captured, who insulted the parents of a gold star captain, who said he knew more than the generals, who said he always wanted a Purple Heart, who dodged the draft, and who called the US military a disaster, please don't pretend that you're angry at those who kneel during the anthem because it's disrespectful to our military.
    And if you voted for that person because he's not politically correct and he says what's on his mind, please don't tell me that kneeling during the anthem is wrong.
    And if you voted for a reality show star because he's an outsider and not a career politician, please don't tell me that athletes shouldn't voice their political views.
    And if you voted for him because he cares about the Constitution, please don't tell me that people shouldn't exercise their right to free speech.
    And if you voted for him because, despite his wealth and comfortable life, he was willing to go out there, be made a target, and say what's really wrong with this country, please don't tell me that black athletes should just shut up and be grateful to be rich."

  22. 8:52
    It has nothing to do with a persons right. It has to do with disrespect for our flag and those who have died under that flag and those that serve under that flag.
    As they seem to have the 'right' to continue to do this then "We the People" have the right to keep on not liking it.
    There are other avenues to protest under then to pick our American Flag.
    And just so you are aware of what Kaepernick said...he said "I will not stand for the American 'Flag" when it continues to oppress black people and people of color."
    With that remark then the protest IS about the American Flag.
    If you don't like the American Flag, The Stars Spangled Banner and the American way of life then please just leave.
    No one will stand in your way.

  23. When the overpaid players kneel down when the anthem is played, and protest our flag, it's what the fans are thinking, "I do not belong here."


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