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Sunday, October 15, 2017

Area Jobs Aren't Paying the Rent!

By Thornton Crowe

A couple weeks ago in the Daily Times, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity, Molly Hilligoss, wrote a telling opinion piece stating clearly, "...convenience store jobs can't lift Wicomico residents out of poverty." Unfortunately, she is absolutely spot on and yet local politicians continue to ignore this truth over and over again.

In the piece, she broke down the reality of convenience store economics as a way to answer the news of the new Royal Farms slated for the corner of College and South Salisbury Boulevard. However, if you really think about it, it also explains the working model of both City and County politicians when they speak of things like folk music festivals, which only produce jobs during show dates. These temporary jobs don't offer voters anymore certainty or stability than a traveling circus, yet, they (the local politicians) think it's a grand boost to our economy as if the 72-hour ordeal will makeup for all the other times of the year when local workers can't pay to survive.

The only benefactor of a permanent position from this festival extravaganza is the gal who is the supposed manager because surely Day will make her position permanent, even when she's ill-equipped to handle something as massive as a festival. This doesn't help the local economy in the big picture but who cares as long as it looks good in the now. Warm fuzzy moments abound!

If the local politicians had been all that concerned about the economy, why didn't they do more to keep Steel Services or Brainwave Computers open?

Need you be reminded of Labinal, Crown Cork & Seal, Chris Craft and Dresser -- all companies that provided good paying, permanent local positions whom for one reason or another, moved out of the area? Our so called leaders are partially responsible for not finding workable solutions which would woo companies into staying here and employing their voting base. Instead, they are now looking for the short-term booster shots which offer no long term solutions which only produce temporary work not career jobs in the area.

Hilligoss states these low-paying jobs available now in Salisbury don't even meet their lowered standards for homeownership but this doesn't seem to inspire the local political class into creating a fertile business environment for new companies to give the area a chance. While there may be lots of openings, most local companies don't last long due to high taxes, local political red tape and over-regulation. In the end, economy-boosting companies always choose to go to more business-friendly areas, leaving both City and County residents high and dry.

All the free college tuitions in the world won't stop this mass exodus if the local government doesn't get a handle on how to solicit quality companies to come and stay in the area. Better yet, isn't it time for you to expect your elected officials to do more traditional efforts for their voting base and quit pinning all their hopes on fly-by-night ventures like festivals?

Low-paying jobs don't buy voter confidence...

One would think local politicians would want their constituents to be satisfied with their lots in life because happy voters don't usually switch horses. Statistically speaking, 86% of the time, incumbents keep their day job but it's only contingent on if the voters are happy on a long-term basis. Therefore, why are local politicians playing political roulette with midterms so close on the horizon? 


  1. Please don't forget to mention SU's Beacon group as also being complicit in Wicomico's industrial exodus. I vividly remember Beacon claiming that the services sector would take-up the slack for loss of our manufacturing base.
    They were DEAD WRONG!

    The simple fact is that when any County or Country loses its manufacturing base, the technological edge is thrown out the back door. Why do you think APPLE moved its manufacturing to China - and not to mention the hordes and hordes of other former US manufacturing behemoths.

    And yet it is SBYnews that is one of the only medias that ever covers this. All of the other liberal medias fabricate or make-up news to try and camouflage the exodus of key industrial sector exodus - (i.e. - Carrier, Airpax, Panasonic. . . )

  2. This article is spot on, and so sad. There are absolutely no jobs in Salisbury so people can be close to where they work. If you want a year round, decent paying job, you absolutely have to leave this area otherwise you are going to be living substandard in a substandard neighborhood. Not everyone has family money to keep them going like the 'Days' of this town, we actually need industry and lots of it so people can have a chance at living.

    1. Reason why 80% of the County are card carrying EBT users and live in Section 8 housing. Another reason crime is so high in our County.

  3. 848 companies mentioned didn't go to China, they went to places like NC and TX.

  4. Texas experienced the largest industrial job growth of any state in the union. Many of which were formerly located here on the eastern shore, i.e. Dresser/Haliburton, Airpax. It seems as though Maryland has placed a bulls-eye target on eradicating anything affiliated to fostering economic growth through business development. And the stats verify it.

  5. The companies that left didn't make insider deals with our leaders so they didn't get all the kickbacks and incentives like Gillis-Gilkerson and other good ole boys. They refused to grease palms so their exits weren't a big thing to them. Now, when we see Palmer Gillis leave Salisbury, then we'll know they are hellbent on destroying everything. Until then it's all about the local politicians getting their insider deals that will keep these poverty producing jobs in Salisbury.

  6. It's not feasible to build beneficial manufacturing facilities here in Salisbury or anywhere on the shore because of environmental regs and Annapolis forcing wage minimums and the array of taxes somewhere like Delaware doesn't have.

  7. 911 you're missing the point entirely. TC says if there wasn't over regs etc. then Salisbury would have manufacturing jobs and he's right. We used to have a lot of manufacturing here but they've all gone away because of the state and local government's greed.

    1. Mom created this mess and tries to run for President. Hogan hasn't done anything to help draw in business.

  8. Voters should clean house this next election. All of them should be replaced because none of them have earned the right to stay in their jobs.

  9. You got that right 921. Those people are too busy arguing over the fire dept, hiding crime statistics, Trump bashing and stomach biting to be worried about voters. They couldn't care less about us.

  10. You have only touched the surface of the employment issues that keep your population in poverty.

    Of the 3 companies I have worked for here, 2 broke every single law available.

    From knowingly hiring illegals to tax evasion. Writing, forging and cashing checks in past employees names. Forging employees names on reprimands that never took place. DOT violations. Ripping customers off. Breaking labor laws. Not providing healthcare when legally obligated to. And these are employers that run your government.

    The cesspool of smallsbury runs deep and is handed down generations.

  11. I had a multi million dollar local rental management company offer me a job, after complaining about their current worker. Their complaint was that employees were lazy and not loyal.

    For $11/hr they literally wanted me to run the company. So I politely mentioned that maybe their employees lack of loyalty was due to the pathetic wage they were offering in comparison to the amount of responsibility.

    Of course they cried poor. I declined the offer.

    Welcome to the ghetto

    1. Are they still hiring? Because I would love the job you declined.

    2. Sounds like Rinnier, lol

    3. It probably is Rinnier. They're good at low pay for massive work. Place is a real mess

    4. Tell me more about Reinier

  12. 932 local rental company? $11 an hour? Wonder why they don't get good workers? Answer is fairly obvious. If they would complain to you about other workers chances are they would complain about you too. Good thing you declined. Sounds like a Dynasty office.

  13. "Therefore, why are local politicians playing political roulette with midterms so close on the horizon? "

    No one votes, because it doesn't matter. The system is rigged. Doesn't matter who is in office, they will play the corruption game just like the one before them.

    Look at the jerk we have now, worried more about fencing than his people in poverty.

  14. The young people have been brain washed by the propaganda presented by SU.
    They won't accept any position in the area because what they want is not available. These young people will do anything with some frills and BS from Day.
    With the up and coming antifa event I'm sure Su will tune in to fight for anything they know nothing about. This county is sad and we are moving to another state as soon as we can sell our home.

    1. We moved to another state. Still trying to sell my home in Fruitland.

  15. IMHO, Wicomico's economic developer, Rob Ryan, holds the best governmental job
    ever held by anyone. No performance, no standards, no demonstrable measurement, no accountability, and a weekly paycheck to go with it.

    Life continually amazes me, and yet he continues to get a free pass.

  16. I have been amazed over the years hearing the expression "create jobs".

    That phrase seems to be the must speak at any event featuring politicians, so-called "leaders", and liberal colleges that cry at the mention of anything hinting at responsibility.

    Answer me something - just how, exactly, does one go about "creating" jobs? I mean, really? We are just going to invent a business or industry and then say, "ok, everyone, come get your newly created job"?

    With my meager background, I could probably do as good a job - in theory - as these know-it-alls when it comes to "creating" jobs. Just as one says if you want money, "check up some paper and poop out the money", what are we supposed to do if we want newly "created" jobs - chew up steel and buildings and services and poop them out too?

    Yeah you can definitely see jobs leaving or businesses closing but opening up another drug store, another convenience store, or another mattress store isn't "creating" jobs. Studies of those states such as Texas who are increasing their job base need to take place in order to even have a chance to come up with a plan or even an idea.

    "Create jobs"??????? puhhhhhleeeeese stop using that worthless phrase and do something more constructive. Doing something is better than running your mouth about it and doing nothing - just to get votes or feel important. Just my personal opinion.

  17. Which local leader has any experience at being a real leader? It seems like all of them failed in their jobs and looked to politics because that's the only place where people don't get job promotions based on results.

  18. 958 small businesses create the jobs not politicians. The so called leaders' jobs is to get the hell out of business's way and let them do their thing. In this area, leaders don't know how to run a business and love meddling into everyone's business while their own house of cards falls apart. They like meddling because they think they're somehow more important than everyone else in our community. Foolishly we let them get away with that stupidity because we placate their over-inflated egos by treating them like they're mini-Gods. We allow them to act like they're better than everyone else instead of calling them to answer for their moronic notions.

  19. Never Trust a Politician. Good rule to live by. Outsiders need to get into the game. Don't allow the good ole boys FIX the elections. Insist on civilian oversight.

  20. 10:04 AM Yes 100% yes. I often say, these ignorant puffed up wanna be's, once they leave the shore are nobody's.

    1. We call them SHORE-BILLIES, and most carry handguns illegally, and will not hesitate to display those weapons.

  21. 9:56 AM I guess it is true you can't fix stupid. Enjoy the revolving door. You won't last long, just like the line of others before you.

  22. 9:59 AM Daddy had to provide them with a job since they failed at everything else.

  23. 9:58 AM Obviously, by your own admission, you lack as much experience and knowledge as our administration does.

    Sorry you do not get the concept of creating jobs, or making your community strong financially by bringing industry here. What was worthless was your rant.

  24. 1025 must be one of the useless politicians in town because the person seems offended by the idea they aren't really creating jobs. You treat voters this way 1025 and they're going to give you a big FU come election time. Reset Salisbury/Wicomico!

  25. Need to lure (catch) a big industry business to come to the area and I suppose it would include incentives. Questions is who (big industry business) would be willing to take a risk (maybe even a loss at the beginning) for long term success.

    Is that miracle out there?

  26. 11:03 AM Huh?

    9:58 said there was no such thing as creating jobs and 10:25 said there was and eluded that our administration was clueless.

    Your rant was not even close to what they said.

  27. Jake day is more concerned about getting cherry realestate deals for his partners at devreco !

    1. silly, he is about SELFIE PHOTOS on Facebook

  28. The salaries around here are awful. Wicomico county was looking for ferry boat operator for like $12.75 an hour and they expected you to not only take on all of that responsibility but they wanted you to be able to fix the damn boat too! And corrections officer is like $28,550 or something ridiculous. They had an IT position that wanted 5+ years of experience in some highly proprietary software + a degree etc and were paying like $38,000 a year, that's an $80,000+ year job in New Castle, DE or across the bridge!

    Nothing around here wants to pay more than $10.75-$12.50 an hour, and it would require at least $14.50 an hour to live in a crappy apartment and still barely make ends meet if you got food assistance! I know I used to have a business with employees. They had to choose paying rent or car payment, and ended up losing car and having to uber to work!


  29. Thanks for Barrie, Jimmy, Jake, Rick, Bob, and both councils Wicomico-Salisbury doesn't have the infrastructure to support large corporations. The region can't meet the demands in any regard so it's kind of a moot point. Cost of living too high and regulations galore for any business to see it as advantageous to set up shop here.

    This happens when people vote without using discrimination and common sense.

  30. The only way to possibly (catch) any good job generating industry for our area is to do what our government does for 'endangered species' - create a sanctuary. And that raises the million dollar question - what is sanctuary?

    I'll tell you - sanctuary is a place that will NOT impose taxes, surcharges, regulations, abusive safety standards, burdensome reporting requirements, issuance of fines, permits, or any other regulation that hinders and obstructs PROGRESS!!!

    Unfortunately, Maryland including Wicomico are prime examples of a culture that does all of the above.

  31. This is an excellent article! My only wish is that our elected politicians would read some of the above suggestions and try and remedy the situation.

    Instead, watch what happens as the election nears, the words 'Job Generation' will be used by nearly all of the incumbents and yet their track record will reap a score of -E- (failure).

  32. Who voted for these people??

    Not me!

    Wallow in your own self pity.

    This town is done and I'm gone.

  33. 1208, indeed very very sad!

  34. Responding to 9:56 AM Poster that said Wicomico has an economic developer.

    My response: What economic developer - is this a joke? Seriously, I wasn't even aware that Wicomico employed such an individual. You can't be serious. Our County officials must be smoking weed to even tout said office - economic development.

    1. GOOD OLE BOY NETWORK your taxes pay for. I am sure he is 4 foot 2 inches in height and drives a 4x4 truck 20 feet off the GROUND.

  35. While riding by Delmarva Electric Motors (DEMCO) the other day I noticed that their building is now up for sale. The realtor's sign said Business is relocating. Does anyone know where they might be relocating? It is a large industrial building and is located just behind Pohanka.

  36. 9:59: To answer your question none of them. They have either failed in multiple businesses or inherited their business from daddies or they had jobs created by their daddies. If we judged them by their actual records none of them are fit to be elected.

  37. Moved here for family with health issues. Looked at the job market in advance and it was a disappointment at best. Found a telework job for an employer in another state in advance. We have no desire to put our kids in the schools here, so when they reach that age, we will sell and move to another state. I telework so the job goes with me. Were it not for being able to bring a job with me, we would have never been able to move here to help family. It is a disappointment to see how the tax dollars here seem to never bring any improvements where they are needed. The crime here seems to rival that of major metropolitan cities. Of course, that’s the crime we actually hear about thanks to these news blogs and Wicomico First Alert. Were it not for these sources, the Orwellian powers at be would continue to portray Salisbury as a shining city on a hill.

  38. Even the President of the United States gets the Trump Clothing Brand made in China. Its called business, and it starts at childhood. In 9th grade the US is sending kids to tech classes instead of business classes. Kids should be taking Tech classes in the 3rd or 4th grades. The majority of kids in this country are on a CPU, smartphone, tablet, some type of technology from preschool. Why are they just taking tech classes at 16? They should be learning to how to properly run their businesses in high school. Kids from around the world come to America and graduate our high schools at early ages, and we teach our kids to work from them. Then America tells them, you can't get a good job unless you go to college and do xyz. Yet they keep this trend going, while they university gets wealthy off a free athletic workforce, and millions from tuition. Thats why most of your high paying American jobs come from foreigners. For example..... I'm not condoning. But everyday I see kids get rich off selling drugs. Tens of thousands of dollars by age 18. Those gets have been manipulated by elders into thinking this is a good way of life. But the reality is the were tualt how to run a business at a early age. Some make it out successful but the majority perish. The moral is. Why can't we teach all kids to run legal businesses at 10 to 15 years old. Find what their good at "In Life", and base their classes. Then in the future we mite be talking about, we dont have enough workers not enough jobs.

  39. I'd almost take this seriously, if it weren't for quoting Molly Hilligoss. What a complete failure. She's ruined a great organization in Habitat. I used to be on their board. That org has completely gone downhill thanks to her.

  40. As part of the puzzle is also the local workforce. Many locals are not suitable employees for for any modern manufacturing company. Little to no education beyond HS, not willing to learn or be trained to do a job, frequent absenteeism due to alcohol/drug/hunting/fishing addictions. Said it before one here, this is why we don't hiring locally. However, they do make adequate fast food and convenience store employees.

  41. Article 95% good...

  42. Beg to differ with you 203. This article 100% accurate and truthful about Salisbury and Wicomico. Those who don't want to accept it are either living in a dream world or paid by local politicians.

  43. 144 Molly Hilligross may have destroyed the once great organization but what she said in the article is true until she wandering off into some education jaunt. Convenience store gigs won't raise a family or allow someone to use what education has taught them.

  44. Trump brought thousands of jobs back to the US. Problem is none of them are coming here. If you're educated do yourself a favor and get the hell out of Salisbury. It's a dead end for anyone who has a speck of career life left in them.

  45. The days of marrying your high school sweet heart getting a company job, building a house and raising a family are long gone. Even when there were some decent jobs management was seldom locals. Just like the Doctors and the University Professors are all from somewhere else. Our best and brightest kids leave and struggle at good schools finding out they were big fish in a small pond and have to claw to get a good education and seldom return here. Unless you are from old Easternshore money,property and politics you will never get a foot up here and those that do sell out the rest of us speculating and developing heirloom properties for yet more outsiders that made their livings elsewhere and do not want to pay school taxes or support the local way of life. GREED is what it comes down too. The nicest aww shucks down home " common sense " people will sell out their own neighbor and go to church on Sunday.

    1. And the high school sweathearts are marrying themselves!

  46. There's no good answer to this issue as long as the same people continue to pollute our local governments. The only way to deal with it is elect new people with real business experience and stop with the stupid born here come here attitudes which have produced nothing good for the area.

  47. Grow Business, Shrink Government. There in lies the real answer to this whole situation. If someone does the opposite, vote them out.

  48. I wish SBYnews would put up a poll that reads:

    Do you support Federal Protection for endangered MD species(businesses)?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure

  49. The Maryland legislature is businesses biggest enemy. They pass draconian legislation that deters businesses from locating here. They pass the millionaire's tax, propose computer services taxes, increased the sales tax, they even passed a flush tax - and then doubled that the very next year. In fact, Maryland was the only State in America that passed a residential sprinkler ordinance (with exception CA) - and we don't have any wildfires here in Maryland. It's a wonder any business can survive under the current political environment.

  50. 359 you're saying Hogan hasn't been as effective as everyone would like to believe when it comes to business?

  51. 1:53 PM thats complete BS.

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. Let us also now be reminded that Perdue Farms had a large tech and accounting layoff a few years back and are now replacing a great number of the tech jobs with contract employees (that can be dismissed without severance or benefits). Part of this is because they gained a reputation as people-eaters, so few would come work for them (or back for that matter). The contract jobs are bid low and the contract company takes a cut off the top - meaning a lower wage!

  55. 4:13 Why? Guessing the truth hurts. Every employee from here we ever had thought he/she knew more than the people that started and run the business and had an attitude when they didn't get to do things their way.

  56. Responding to 4:05 PM Comment regarding Hogan.

    That is correct. Hogan touts a class act when he says Maryland has become pro-business - but the former administrations - and even his administration doesn't 'walk-the-walk'. If he did, he would have vetoed the Maryland Sprinkler ordinance. And who might you ask were the primary victims of the Maryland residential sprinkler ordinance? It was the poor, the minorities, who will now never be able to afford a new home.

    And that is exactly why I will be looking for yet another Governor candidate come next election. One that will help to restore some sanity to an insane State.

  57. Responding to 3:59 PM - Don't forget the proposed Maryland Rain Tax. Taxes on all of Marylander's' impervious surfaces. That will be the last 'nail-in-the-coffin' for the majority of Marylander s. Already Maryland has been the top seed in residential foreclosures for the past 3-1/2 years. Being No.1, then No.2, and then No.3 in the nation for the highest foreclosure rate in America.

    The stats speak volumes about Maryland's hostile environment.

  58. Just got back home from being out of town. Mr. Crowe - you have hit the nail on the head with this article. Great research! I can tell after reading some of the comments that you have definitely struck a cord.

  59. EBT and Section 8 do nothing breed crime and increase demand on local services. It's not going to change, they'll keep electing the same people that promote this ideology. The city is being run by kids in their 20's with no real world experience. What else can you expect?

  60. People don't want to work or stay here because it's full of ignorant trash.

  61. The main reason this article is effective, because everyone of our people know this to be the truth. However, the politicians won't admit to any of this information and instead what do they do, create and fabricate fake news to try and cover it up. Thanks Mr. Crowe for lighting up the subject as the next election is just around the corner.

  62. My only hope is that all of MD State, Federal, and especially our Local elected officials are reading this article. They need to wake up to reality and understand the gravity of the dire economic situation.

  63. Where,s WBOC the local news leader on this important issue?

    1. Would you really trust BOC's coverage of this 643? Look at how they ignore the criminal element in Salisbury. You can't be serious with this question.

  64. Jobs here have NEVER paid the rent !!!
    Have lived here long enough to Know !!!!
    Barely getting by ....is the way of life on DelMarVa !!!

  65. To 6:43 Poster - WBOC did perform a special coverage event of the downtown Salisbury construction mess/shutdown. They also highlighted the economic disaster with live interviews of some the business owners.

    In fact, Jake Day looked like a complete idiot in his response to the interviewer when asked as to why there is currently no work being performed on downtown Salisbury Main Street. Jake Day was totally oblivious to the construction delays. Are you aware as to how long Main Street has been shutdown? To Long for virtually any business to survive in that environment.

  66. These Jobs pay in PEANUTS INSTEAD OF $$$$ (DelMarVa) !!!

  67. Old Boy system here don't want things to change !!! FACT

  68. 1:53 - you are full of yourself and then some LOL There are PLENTY of "locals" here that are MORE than willing to learn if an employer is willing to teach. I have an outstanding work ethic AND attendance record. Am unemployed because I'm not "proficient" in Microsoft Office. Wow! I've always worked with SPECIALIZED software, not having to know or use it for my job. Really? I'm sure employers have established files from these programs and their own way of using them so why demand "proficiency" instead of just teaching them their way? The other issue around here...if you're 60+ FORGET IT! IF you can even get an interview...they don't come out and SAY "age discrimination" but it's VERY obvious. Since we have the wonderful and upstanding "University" the employers here know those "Associate Degree required" jobs have applicants falling out of the trees waiting to be hired at $10.00 an hour. Oh and the job post I saw wanting a "Bachelors Degree required" for $14.00 an hour...right! Salisbury doesn't want homeowners...they want it to be a place full of rental properties to house ECI inmate families and college kids. Forget I'm a job seeker - as a consumer - the employees I encounter more often than not act like they are doing YOU a favor just being there and THAT is a pitiful excuse for an employee!

  69. Salisbury used to have career jobs but they moved out of town when the thuggery moved in. You made your choices and opted for a cesspool of crap to have ECI here. You got what you asked for. Now quit bitching about it.

  70. Anyone with half a mind wouldn't run for elected office here unless they live abuse and are on some power trip. Glad I moved out when I did. Just reading this blog proves we made the right decision!

  71. Mr. Crowe you should run for an elected office.

    1. LOL Crowe isn't that crazy 851.

  72. Maybe the job pool would improve around Salisbury if the gene pool improved.

  73. Nonsense, I know someone who gets almost 500K per year at Salisbury University, which just gave her a $20,000 raise so she came live comfortably in retirement, after a year's paid sabbatical leave.

    1. 1003 now you know that's not the norm around here. Get a grip!

  74. Greedy unions and their members have been responsible for a lot of the departures. Those former employees brought it on them selves and I don't feel the least bit sorry for them. I wonder how they like working at Walmart?

  75. Unless we have a change in government, a change of attitude, and society in general, this area as well as most of the shore will stay as it is. The only real option is to leave this state. My oldest son, will be doing just that. There are no real jobs here, and there isn't much a future. He will be graduating from college with his Bachelors degree in electricial engineering and will be moving to North Carolina earning more money than what he would be earning here, and cheaper living as well. I plan to move there myself in ten years when I reach retirement. There is nothing here to keep young people with an education and talent. There is, and has been an exodus of young people from this area. What is left are criminals that are bused here from ECI and their families. Those with money live in a gated community.

    1. Do you think ECI will give inmates a 3-day release to enjoy & volunteer at the Folk Featival?! If Day has his way that's an affirmative.

  76. Hospitality industry/retail has replaced the better paying manufacturing jobs it appears. It appears is the key word. The real problem with wages being not only low but stagnant and employees not getting raises and lured to companies with benefits is in plain English-there are too many butts for too few seats. Employers do not have to compete for employees.
    The democrat answer is to continue to flood the job market with immigrants both legal and illegal. Then push to raise the minimum wage.
    Then they lie to the American workers and say it's all about education. So the democrats then lowered the standards which now allows any idiot to get a degree-most useless. The result has been large companies sending head hunters as they are called in the industry to seek out those who are truly educated and this unfortunately makes them goes over seas and bring them here to work.
    The democrat politicians are liars. The democrat voters are clueless wonders. This because they are products of the dumbed down US "education" system.
    The best and only way for the economy to bounce forward long term is the organic way. The natural way. Employers have to be the ones competing for employees and not the other way around.
    The perfect example of this is the chicken slaughter houses dotting the area. They have lobbied the democrat politicians to flood the market with immigrants so they do not have to raise the wages. They can keep them low. Too many butts for too few seats.

    1. The only problem with your comment 846 is it's not just Democrats. Republicans aka RINOs are also practicing same legislation. You really think John Cannon and Carl Anderton are true Republicans?

  77. Actually, Dresser and Crown left because the UNIONS were the "last straw". If the Unions were not so greedy, they MIGHT still be here. Just a possibility....

    1. The time of unions is long outgrown because once the department of labor was created, its relevance was eroded. There is no longer a need for unions.

  78. Keep advocating higher wages for unskilled labor, and soon there will not even be any low paying jobs for unskilled labor. No jobs at all. Even the union workers that voted not to accept the company offers for the high paying jobs at Crown Cork & Seal and Dresser were not satisfied. Low pay, high pay, it's no different. Everybody wants more. Dresser and CC&S both had their limits on what they would pay for someone to put together a fuel pump, or make a tin can. Demanding higher wages for unskilled labor will surely make those low paying jobs go away too. Careful what you ask for. Unskilled labor is just that, and is only "worth" so much. Demand more than that, and no unskilled jobs will be offered. Does that make anybody better off?

  79. 4:03 the problem with your logic are the unseen costs. We the tax payers are supplementing the unskilled/low wage earners to the tune of billions a year in this country for their welfare benefits. Only about 14% of those receiving some type of welfare do not work. This is why we are taxed and "fee'ed" to death. The President's ideas are the best yet. Lower taxed for corporations then they pay higher wages. Local Governments instead of spending tons on nonsense like music festivals like moron brain dead Day give businesses tax breaks in exchange for paying higher wages. This is what they did in Indiana.

  80. Also 4:03 look up and read about the Walmart in either ND or SD that has to pay like $20/hr. This because of the pipeline. They have to compete for employees with not only the pipeline but companies that feed off of it like fabricators, etc.

  81. This is a very good article. WOW - I am blown-a-way at the depth and breadth of statistics and comments. What is really encouraging though is that the next State & Local elections are very near and I cannot foresee ANY of the incumbents having a solid platform to campaign on. And so I'm hoping for a clean sweep to help eradicate the whole gambit of the current elected officials. Their track record in the economic development arena has been deplorable.


  82. 2018 election is going to be an eye opener for some of these guys downtown.

  83. i work a full time job at a medical office and still have trouble making ends meet. it just doesn't seem right. everything around us is going up but our pay checks. i feel like some of these people that make big bucks (politicians, office officials, etc.) should live on what "normal" people make per pay period and see what life is really like.

    1. They got into politics so they wouldn't have to experience what it would be like to afford things on regular people's salaries. That's a great observation 855.

  84. It's going to be real fun to watch the politicos try and campaign on eastern shore job growth. In fact, I would not be a bit surprised to see some of our incumbents (State/Local) deciding not to run at all - based upon their track record.

    Bottom line, we really do need to drain the swamp around here.

  85. Well now - isn't it interesting that as the City of Salisbury is going to he_ _ in hand basket that Jake Day is now trying to double his salary all at the taxpayers expense.

    Now you tell me - who are the public servants, the Mayor or the residents!!
    I'll tell you one more thing, the people of Salisbury have become slaves to a predatory government.

  86. 7:48 it was sarcasm everyone know they are not leader Joe is.


  87. The solution is now at hand. Salisbury's City Council should TRIPLE the salary or wage of all those employed in the 'bury. Just as they plan to do to lift the poverty compensation of the mayor. All paid for by new fees, fines and festivals. The 'bury is going to be Folked!

  88. I guess by now most everyone has seen the billboards around town showing our County Executive/Governor touting "We're Open for Business" slogan.

    IMHO - complete Bullsh_ _!! Pardon my french, but it's this type of leadership that has gotten us into this rotten bucket. We all know that the economic condition is very bad in and around Salisbury - and yet the politicians are trying to rewrite history. Thank god for SBYnews as it is the only media that presents the truth about our economy.

  89. To 9:26 I have lived here all my life and that's the way its always been around here. The Daily Times, Independent, WBOC, WMDT, most all of them fabricate news to deceive the people. And I agree with some of the above observers that said SU is also complicit in scheme to deceive our citizens.

  90. The most frustrating thing about this article and the comments is that on average despite divisions and mixed opinions we all agree there need to be better jobs but we are stuck as to how to change things. The parties and their offered officials fail us. Corporations fail us. Often our own notions as to what to do fail us because we never get the truth or just cause from anyone anymore. Good ideas and promises fall flat as the veil falls and we find even our most trusted have personal agendas and are beholding to others besides us. It some how once worked in I guess simpler times but it's not working at all now. The entire political climate on both sides has become so apathetically despondent and have frenzied the populace to the point where they are exploiting raw frustrated emotion and not logic or rational and we have bought into it because they offer little else. Sad times.

  91. Low paying jobs supplemented by welfare that is the democrats plan...You control the people when you control their income and food.

  92. The officials we elect are supposed the be leaders and show leadership in issues mentioned in this article,find ways to cut taxes and regs for a better business environment,crime,safety and health issues.

  93. Trump is trying! But look at what Maryland's Attorney General Frosh is doing to the poor guy. Sue, Sue, Sue, he's using Maryland in every way possible to hinder the President in trying to unravel the current economic mess.

    Mark my words, sooner or latter Trump is going to slap back at Maryland and when he does it is the Maryland residents that are going to be penalized even further.

  94. Nope > Not paying these High Rents of today ....Not here !

    Pooooooooor area I know, after 60 years of it !!!

  95. When the Main Employer here is PRISON /JAIL Time to Leave !

  96. Prison Or Chickens ?? Your Choice !!! DelMarVa

  97. Former Governor Schaefer got it right - 'the people of the eastern shore live on s _ it house side of the bay'.

    And boy does it stink!

  98. I don't think you understand that many people live in the area that are employed by companies located elsewhere. High paying jobs exist for the people that have the skills, education, experience to qualify for them.

  99. It would be great to land the new Amazon HQ2 around here. Thousands of high paying jobs would be fantastic

  100. A Retirement area and Medical area....that's it , besides
    Farming / Prison / Crabs / GOOD Luck You will need it !

  101. Why does Industry stay out of here ? There is a Reason !!
    Too far from D.C beltway maybe ??

  102. The University is the biggest employer around here.

  103. When the $$$ is spent ...None Left for the Rent !!!!

  104. 10.00 hr don't buy much avg on delmarva
    top pay is 14.00hr or so on delmarva exeption of a few
    Min wage should be 20.00 hr by now
    So how does one pay REnt ??
    Poor area , as bad as the Mts in West Va !! No coal here


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