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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

And So it Continues, Day After Day. What Say You Chief Duncan & Hoppes?


  1. The cops can't issue parking tickets on private property, but the FIRE MARSHALL can. The fire departments can fully fund a fire lane no parking ordinance, with extra for the department needs, by hiring an enforcer. The violators all at every strip shopping center in Salisbury. Issue fines, and it will stop...eventually.

  2. SPD and WCSO can both make contact with the drivers. Chances are that if they are breaking one law, they maybe breaking others. It's ok for LEO to stop cars for the purpose of K9 scans, why not do the same to these vehicles?

    1. Cops can not stop you and scan your car just because they want to. Thats called herasment or profilling.

  3. Looks like The Irish Penny Pub is trying to do something about it and they put parking cones out front to stop people from parking in front of the restaurant.

  4. If they were posted up in this parking lot people would complain they were just sitting here all day being essentially a meter maid while the real crime happened elsewhere.

  5. Joe, try staking out at the three M&T bank branches, ATM users do that all day.


  6. Actually, cops can issue tickets on private property. If it's property easily accessed and used by the public, i.e. Walmart, grocery stores, etc., They can issue tickets for fire lane parking and handicapped parking.

  7. Are they parked ? Maybe just picking up someone ?

  8. Sure they're parked 9:27, they are inside getting their pizza. YOU DO NOT PARK ALONG THE CURB, period.

  9. this place is bad...I will not do any shopping there...but sit and watch Walmart north for awhile...you'll be amazed

  10. Salisbury PD sometimes on Saturday will have an officer there and they will tell people to move

  11. Check out Food Lion shopping center in Fruitland. I have seen as many as four at one time. I go there two or three times a week and its always the ssme.

    1. And they block the entrance to the store. They hate it when you look at the sign and then them. Lazy azz people.

    2. Two cars should park real close in front of them and behind them and wait for them to come out and when they ask you to move, tell them you will just be a few minutes and then go inside the store.

  12. It looks like it's up to Little Caesar's to address the problem. The pylons that the Irish Penny put out aren't expensive and they do the job. Good work, Jeff!

  13. Little Caesars is not going to do anything to impede customers getting their low cost crappy pizza.

  14. If tickets are being issued for illegal "Handicap" parking, a fortune can be made at the Post Office...

  15. Nothing will happen until society doesn't allow it. Until then, no repercussion's, this continues - day after day after day!

  16. Ironic. I noticed this in Twilley Centre so I sat and watched for about ten minutes. Seven cars came and went parking at the curb to either "run in to" Dollar General or the Ginger House.

  17. Parking has a legal definition in the Annotated Code for the state of Maryland. Many cars that others accuse of illegal parking, are not actually illegally parked, according to the letter of the law. They may be unattended, but not necessarily "parked."

    The signs would have to read No parking, and no STOPPING, to get a fine for leaving a car in a fire lane, in most cases. But then no one could pull up and pick up a companion and load their purchases without being in violation of the no stopping, no parking sign. I'm sure the stores (and shoppers) would not be okay with that.

  18. Because everyone thinks they are special and the rules don't apply to them

  19. The reflector cones are a good idea. If Little Caesar's won't do it, the strip mall landlord should to eliminate the hazard to drivers and pedestrians. His insurance company should take note, too. I hope that he's reading this.

  20. The Chamber of Commerce should take some interest and contact these business owners to remedy the problem. If it's as easy as placing some cones, what's the difficulty?

  21. 8:48 You are totally incorrect. The police can issue parking citations for firelane and handicapped on private property. They are state-mandated traffic codes that are applicable everywhere, as is DUI. You can't operate a vehicle on private property intoxicated either. This being said, the city or county cannot post a police officer on the property to sit there and monitor the firelane all day. IT's stupid.

  22. It's the same way in front of Delmar Pizza and the cigarette store everyday.

  23. 9:17 Cops do it all the time. You touched the centerline X amount of times, failed to properly signal, failed to come to a complete stop. Don't be a know it all that knows nothing.

  24. When people park in the marked Fire Lane they are actually making a statement regarding their laziness and disregard for basic civic responsibility. It's like telling the world "hey, look how rude and lazy I am."

  25. Lets call it what it is and stop beating around the bush. If you sit and watch at the M&T Banks ATM machines, especially the one at Parker road, the North Store Walmart, and Twilley Center Dollar General and Ginger House. Most of the cars that park at the curb and ignore the fire lane signs are operated by Blacks that feel entitled and the law doesn't apply to them. If 10 cars do it, I guarantee 7 of them are operated by Blacks. They are the same people who will go to Royal Farms for gas, and leave their cars at the pumps while they go inside and get their fried chicken. Not caring other people are waiting to get gas. Sometime the truth hurts, but it will also set you free!!!

  26. Aside from the obvious danger of people blocking a fire lane I can’t figure out why this has got everyone so upset. How are these inconsiderate folks actually impacting your day? Did you have to walk any farther from your proper parking space? Or are you just mad that someone’s getting away with something that you’re not.

  27. All that needs to happen is the property owner contact a local tow company and tell them they are authorized to tow any vehicle that is found parked between the NO PARKING signs. Then the tow company will send somebody out and they will drag cars off all day, charge owners $300 to get their cars back, which all but guarantees they never park between the signs again. It is a WIN WIN for everyone but the VIOLATOR, the property owner keeps the lane free of cars at ZERO COST, NO COPS INVOLVED and the TOW COMPANY now has a new revenue stream, which is good for city/county taxes. Heck, they will also be providing an employee or two with more work, more pay, more money for baby formula and beer of course. Problem solving is easy and profitable if you really want to solve the problem.

    1. You've head the nail on the head!

  28. October 10, 2017 at 12:22 PM

    "You can't operate a vehicle on private property intoxicated either."

    If it's YOUR private property, you can drive as drunk as you want, or can. No laws are broken. You are flat out wrong about that one.

    1. 3:36, um, no you can’t. If a police officer rides by and sees you drinking a beer while driving your lawn mower cutting grass, he can arrest you. You should check the law before coming on here and acting like an idiot.

  29. I don't understand when people say, "What does it matter to you?" I don't know, I grew up in Crisfield and it was there my parents started teaching me, when things are against the law or when someone asks you not to do something and it is their place to do so, then you comply with the request. Not further reason required. The curb is posted with "NO PARKING ANY TIME" signs, I don't think it can be any clearer, the owners of the property do not want YOU, ME or THEY to park in these areas. There doesn't need to be any "why?" "Who does it bother?" "Who does it hurt if someone parks there?" The owners have asked that YOU, WE not park there and it is their call to make. That used to be enough. Why in 2017 is it not enough to honor the property owner's wishes? That's the only reason I need not to park there... the owners asked me not to. THEIR CALL!

  30. The worst is in front of the liquor store by Acme

  31. Part of the problem is for those people already parked in established spaces who can't back out to leave the parking lot because some idiot is blocking the fire lane, or maybe we should just call it the Little Caesar Pickup Lane.

  32. 2:46....Isn't blocking a fire lane enough for you???? What are you a moron??? Lets suppose the place caught fire with YOU inside. So there you are standing at the door that for some reason you can't get out, flames all around you, smoke starting to fill the lobby. And these people are parked in the fire lane, the trucks can't get to you soon enough because they have to park a little farther away. How about that for a good reason????

  33. @ 9:27, If the vehicle is in Park (i.e. The "P" the little orange line points to) the car is parked! Flashers, engine running status, door lock status, or occupancy does not change parking status.

  34. You people have too much time on your hands.

  35. 2:56..I like it ....lets give the local tow people an early Christmas.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    3:36, um, no you can’t. If a police officer rides by and sees you drinking a beer while driving your lawn mower cutting grass, he can arrest you. You should check the law before coming on here and acting like an idiot.

    You don't even have to be drinking a beer... Maryland has "IMPLIED CONSENT" which means, when you signed for your driver's license, you agreed to allow police agencies to test you for impairment and in Maryland, the definition of VEHICLE includes boats, bikes, motorcycles, scooters, lawn mowers, anything with a motor and wheels which is functionally operable.

    So, as you likely know, if there is a reason to believe or probable cause to believe someone is riding a lawn mower drunk, even with no beer present, they can be forced to commit to a Field Sobriety Test or have blood drawn.

    Many, many, way too many people THINK they know the laws regarding the "Castle Doctrine" and IMAGINE they can do whatever they want as long as they are on their own property... WHICH ENDS UP SENDING A LOT OF PEOPLE TO JAIL.

    Castle Doctrines are very limited in scope and are not nearly as "MY HOUSE IS MY CASTLE" as people think.

    1. Dizeman 9:21, that’s exactly what I was saying when I referenced the lawn mower but was “on the go” and couldn’t type a lengthy response on my phone. As a retired LEO, it amazes me how many people come on here and make grandiose statements about laws that they actually know NOTHING about. They think that, just because they say it, it is true and other people jump onboard and believe every word. I’m sure you know but, the number of roadside attorneys I’ve met that “know the law and their rights” is staggering. When they arrived in court with their public defender, they found out just how uneducated they are and wanted to “make a deal”. I just wish people would research the law before coming on here and making misleading and factually false information that others are so eager to believe.

    2. Dizeman, it doesn’t even have to have a motor or wheels. You can be arrested for riding a horse while intoxicated if you are using it as transportation.

      In Maryland:

      MD Code Transp. 21-104 Persons riding animals or driving animal-drawn vehicles

      (a) In general. -- Every person riding an animal or driving an animal-drawn vehicle on a roadway has all the rights granted to and is subject to all the duties required of the driver of a vehicle by this title, except for those provisions of this title that by their very nature cannot apply.

  37. So if I'm drinking a beer while on my own property cutting my own grass and have a no trespassing sign up, the police can somehow arrest me????? Are you stupid?

    I was with you on the parking thing, but waaaay against you on the grass cutting, Dizeman.

    1. 12:26, sorry to enlighten you but, yes. Check the law. Don’t hate the messenger.

  38. I can not tell if they are parked by those pics

  39. RESPONDING TO: 12:26 a.m. Anonymous said...
    So if I'm drinking a beer while on my own property cutting my own grass and have a no trespassing sign up, the police can somehow arrest me????? Are you stupid?

    I was with you on the parking thing, but waaaay against you on the grass cutting, Dizeman.


    Hey! It's not my fault you have no understanding of the law, but the No Trespassing sign means nothing to a law enforcement officer acting on reasonable suspicion or probable cause that a violation has been or is being committed.

    Waaaay against me? IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME OR YOU... IT'S THE LAW, not my opinion.

    As Chris Rock said, for some Education is like Kryptonite.

    1. And, as George Carlin said, you have no rights. You have a collection of privileges extended to you, by the government, that can be revoked at any time. My favorite quote is from the people who say “I have God given rights”. God didn’t give you anything. In fact, I have to right to not believe in God. So, if I don’t believe in God, how can he extend you any rights? That’s just simple logic.

  40. Responding to: October 11, 2017 at 7:17 AM ------ Yep! People imagine they have so, so many RIGHTS they were never granted and that once on their property, they can do no wrong. Some of them refuse to accept the terms of the law, even after they are arrested and/or fined. "BUT I KNOW MY RIGHTS!" No you don't, you don't even know the law.

    Yes! I do research the facts on my responses, before making statements of absolution in a chat forum.

  41. It's really tough communicating and directing answers at Anonymous handles by using time stamps, since in long threads like this, the same time stamp appears repeatedly.

    It would be great if chatters were required to use at the very least pseudonym/handles if they are afraid of using their real names.

    80% using Anonymous and having to use time codes is kinda weird.

    I am not a fan of Anonymous, if people are going to spit and spew, they should own up to their opinions. In fact, having the ability to post as Anonymous guarantees far more spitting and spewing than would go on if they used their real names.

    Just a thought.

  42. what's that orange thing on the left in picture?

  43. Anonymous said...
    what's that orange thing on the left in picture? -------- What picture?

  44. Blogger DIZEMAN aka Jon Dize said...
    Anonymous said...
    what's that orange thing on the left in picture? -------- What picture?

    October 11, 2017 at 4:57 PM

    the one at the top of this post? geesh

  45. October 11, 2017 at 6:56 PM ----------------- True!


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