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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Americans think politics reached a dangerous low under Trump

WASHINGTON, U.S. - According to a survey conducted by The Washington Post-University of Maryland, seven in ten Americans think that political tensions have reached a dangerously low point in the U.S.

The poll, that painted a bleak picture of how Americans view the current political situation, noted that many see the situation as a "new normal" for the country rather than a fleeting trend.

According to the poll released on Saturday, a large majority of respondents – 70 percent – say that political divisions are at least as big as they were during the Vietnam War, a period remembered for its intense social and political upheaval.

It said that that number was even bigger among individuals 65 and older – people who were adults during the tumultuous years of the Vietnam War.

At the same time, Americans' views of politicians' ethics and honesty have reached at least a 30-year low.

The poll further showed that just 14 percent view politicians' ethics as excellent or good - the same number stood at 25 percent in 1997 and 39 percent in 1987.

Further, the poll, which was conducted from September 27 to October 5 and surveyed 1,663 adults, showed that pride in how the United States' democracy works is also eroding quickly.

The poll found that in the past three years, the number of Americans who are not proud of how the country's democracy is functioning has doubled from 18 percent in 2014 to 36 percent today.



  1. Under Hillary NOT Trump !!!

  2. Idiots feel emboldened and that the ideal that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" is becoming more prevalent than ever.

  3. They're asking the same people that said the HildaBeast would win!

    I think it is great that the establishment is getting its butt handed to it! The lefties have been whacked out in -control for far too long!

  4. This American is proud to call President Donald J. Trump my president....period


  5. "a survey conducted by The Washington Post-University of Maryland.."

    This invalidates it immediately.

  6. Really??? All the evidence of the Clintons' shady deals and people still blame Trump for bringng us "down"?

  7. Politics are really no different. Our government killed Kennedy in 1963 and yet the non thinking liberal class in this country thinks this is bad!! It has always been bad. Now, because of Trump, the democrats are going crazy we get to see what the real vile scum bags that are democrats. The Uranium One deal would not be in the news again if not for Trump and the crazy dems special counsel. The crap in the swamp is floating to the top so Trump can just get the skimmers out.

  8. More like rural constitutional Americans against establishment politicians is where the line is drawn, but yeah, and for good reason!

    Drain that swamp!

  9. I get tired of the same ole on FOX. So for entertainment I go to clips of election night with the idiots of other stations. It reminds me of fat ass Rove and Morris when they claimed the good guys (R) were winning until it was announced such was not the case two seconds later. Only thing is the (R) didn't go out of their tree. I watch when the fat loser ran off the stage before the glass fell on her and LMAO. Man I never thought I would get off on someones misery, but again, such is not the case. Great reruns!!


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