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Monday, October 02, 2017

A Disgusting Display On CBS This Morning

While I couldn't stand the CBS Breaking News Special Report this morning where they desperately interviewed just about anyone stupid enough to claim they were a part of the mass shooting in Las Vegas, one woman couldn't resist flashing her boobs all over the screen. Now this wasn't a Miley Sirus  concert, it was a mass shooting with some 50 people dead on NATIONAL TV! Talk about TACKY! 

I actually switched over to GUNSMOKE because I just couldn't stand the repetitiveness of what CBS kept spewing. 


  1. Joe I will bet $1000
    It was a Hillary Bernie BLM sypathizer that's why they Targeted a Country Western Concert ALL WHITE.?

  2. Those "boobs" were why she was hired. Sexist, but true.

  3. I wonder when they will blame Trump for the Las Vegas shootings , it won't take long.

  4. It was a White man and Black woman both radicalized Democrats . The Democrats party has never denounced these acts or took responsibility.

  5. I turned on TV early and found this tragic occurrence had killed 20. A couple minutes into the report it was 50. At that time I turned it off. It is very important to be notified and aware, but I am not one to watch it for the coming weeks, like disastrous hurricanes. In other words it was the Russians until something replaced it, etc. I surely am not making light of any of it.

  6. For those of you still wondering what white privledge is....shooting 50+ of your own countryman and women and being labeled a "lone wolf" or "mentally unstable" instead of being called a terrorist. That's white privledge.

  7. Exactly 1:18. Glad someone finally made that observation.

  8. Can they possibly pull that woman's face skin any tighter? I'm surprised that she can blink.

  9. I read that he snapped. I be damned if he snapped. He collected the weapons, rented the perfect room, moved the guns in and set it all up over looking the concert, the unsuspecting people just having a good time. That's not snapping, that's a well planned mass murder that was planned.

  10. The action is CRIMINAL
    No more flamboyant descriptors to make a political spin.
    How do we know WHAT happened without more information?
    Do you believe this one guy did this - and then, conveniently killed himself?

    Who killed him?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  11. >>>For those of you still wondering what white privledge is....shooting 50+ of your own countryman and women and being labeled a "lone wolf" or "mentally unstable" instead of being called a terrorist. That's white privledge.<<<

    Thanks for clearing that up. I always figured that the whole notion of white 'privledge' was just a bunch of silly bullshit spewed by ignorant self-absorbed racists. Now you've proven it.


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