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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Wow! Very Powerful


  1. Wow is correct.....best I've heard in a long time.

  2. If you note, he is speaking to a relatively empty chamber. All of the seats behind him are empty. His fellow legislators don't want to hear this message. Sad.

  3. I have been saying the same thing for over a decade, we need to take care of our own before we send monies to other countries! Especially those whose majority hate us!!

  4. 100% agree with Rand Paul - but he needs to get the message out to all who are NOT sitting in those empty chairs surrounding him.

  5. This is just common sense. Glad to see that a few in the Swamp still have a brain and know how to use it.

  6. POTUS would be well-advised to speak with Sen. Paul on a regular basis. The man speaks the truth and I am inclined to vote for him the next time around.

  7. Charity begins at home.

  8. His message has bee out there. Remember he was a nominee. He speaks the truth, but no one has the guts to do anything about the problems. You need to take care of your own house in order to help others. These politicians are going to destroy this country.

  9. The others were absent because they knew if they there to hear it, their constituents could hold their feet to the fire.

    A sad, sad day for our Country.


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