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Saturday, September 09, 2017

Why Democrats lose elections: College Republicans group in California labeled as ‘white nationalist’

This is s sample of how the Democrat Party is shooting itself in the foot. They seem to think that labeling all White people who don’t vote Democrat as White Supremacists is a good idea. Keep it up, Idiots! Here’s a gutsy kid battling Leftwing indoctrination on college campus. This is the kind of courage Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell need to have.

Fox News reports a Republican student at San Diego State University (SDSU) who received violent threats last month is being targeted in a new way, Brandon Jones told Fox News.


  1. Liberals are suggesting Blacks, Hispanics and Asians are not Patriotic and have a love of country.

  2. Young people should be spared political perspectives. Just because they are of voting age and have idealist indoctrination from family church and state they should spare themselves such futile concerns. Be young. Find love and bliss and get an education. The divides are for OLD powerless people that your tax dollars will pay for in their ultimate demise.

  3. I guess they don't remember what calling half of the voters "Deplorables" did, huh?


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