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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

What's the Point of Republican Infighting?

If there was ever a time when Republicans in Washington should be accomplishing a lot, it’s now. Sadly, since the election of Donald Trump and with Republicans holding majorities in both the House and the Senate, much of the president’s agenda is stalled. Republicans have failed to push it through simply because there is so much infighting within the party. No wonder people hate the swamp.

Republicans in Congress are acting more like a fratricidal circus than a political party. At a time when they should be uniting together, advancing a conservative agenda (or at least rolling back some of the last eight years) and working for the people who elected them, the opposite is happening. Thus, virtually nothing is being done, and if something is accomplished it’s usually so full of compromises with Democrats that it doesn’t make a difference.

Trump won the election because people are fed up with the political class in Washington, and Trump promised to take down the establishment. He campaigned on “draining the swamp,” and his strident rhetoric, nationalist sentiments and populist appeal resonated for many. People overall were — and still are — tired of their senators and representatives not doing what they said they would do once they arrived in Washington, and people were — and still are — hoping Trump could change the status quo.



  1. I hate to say it but I think a lot of the push back against Trump is that the swamp rats both R&D are afraid of getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

  2. Common sense predicted this. Very little of what Trump spoke of will occur, write it down. I predict he will resign, gladly.

  3. Write this down , Trump will never resign , this is just another challenge for him .

  4. I voted for President Trump just for this reason. I can't stand all the RINOS that sell out the American working class, or the fake Democrats that use the minorities like they are subpar. I like most Americans support draining the swamp on both sides. Time to make America great again.

  5. we shall see, 3 18. It is well known he hates his current situation, and things are about to get a whole lot worse for him.

  6. Some Republican's and Democrats's are both on the same side; the side that fills their pockets with cash. That's how Maxine Waters lives in a 4.3M mansion now. They would destroy America just to take our President down.
    Trump won't fill their pockets with anything but a paycheck for doing their jobs and they can't live on that!
    America, it's time to either vote all these idiots out and only vote for people who fund their own campaigns and are not owned by others. It almost wouldn't matter what their platform is, as long as they have a copy of our Constitution and are willing to follow it.
    If that can't happen, the other choice is going to hurt, but has to happen to save the USA. Commit a patriotic act: vote all incumbents out of office! They have a big salary, wonderful perks, healthcare that you will never have and a pension plan that will pay them royally. Vote them out! They are showing you in full force they do not give a damn about the American people.


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