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Wednesday, September 06, 2017

University Pledges To Keep Giving Financial Aid To Illegal Immigrant Students

Wake Forest University promised in a Monday statement to continue giving financial aid to illegal immigrant students.

The university offered counseling services and safe spaces in the letter sent in preparation for President Donald Trump’s termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which enables some illegal immigrants that entered the U.S. as minors to apply for a work permit and obtain a renewable two-year period of deferred actions.

“Wake Forest is here to support all our students, including those who are not U.S. citizens,” the university said. “We are a campus that welcomes diverse people and viewpoints. Our campus is richer for our diverse population and we will continue to provide financial aid, support services, and connection to legal resources for undocumented students.”

“You belong here and you are welcome here,” Wake Forest’s statement added.



  1. Then no govt funding for you wake forest university!!

  2. STOP There Fed FUNDS.

  3. All Colleges / Universities / Community Colleges that gives any aid including financial aid should receive "NO" federal funds / tax dollars. These dollars should be cut off ASAP. These dollars should not be reinstated until they are 100% compliant for a minimum of 1 year or the next semester beginning after the expiration of the penalty time frame. Money talks at any level.


  4. There is a silver lining for the colleges.

    Once the Dreamers go home (their native country where they are actually citizens) the colleges can readmit them as 'international students' and burnish their credentials as institutions of higher learning.

    Added benefit: The native country can pay their tuition, or the college can dip into its endowment to pay all or a portion of the fees.

    Win-Win. Joe American Taxpayer won't have to carry their room, board and tuition anymore.

  5. They should have to PAY IT ALL BACK Every penny + interest
    That $$$$ should have gone to LEGAL AMERICANS !!!!

  6. So they would rather discriminate against American kids ?

  7. Lock Up the ones who authorized American $$$$ for these

  8. It's an embarrassment to even say that I have a college bachelors and masters degree. These liberal institutions are ruining young minds.

  9. Send ICE there to arrest and deport the illegals.

  10. Scratch that one from the list...


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