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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Trump's Caribbean Resort Among Few Left Standing

President Donald Trump's multimillion-dollar Caribbean resort was among few structures left standing on St. Martin Island after Hurricane Irma destroyed much of what was left there, USA Today reported.

The Chateau des Palmiers, Trump's $17 million resort on Plum Bay beach on the French side of the land made it through the storm almost unscathed while reports said 95 percent of the island was destroyed by the storm on Sept. 6, the newspaper said.

The property is listed for sale by Sotheby's International Realty with a $16.9 million asking price, reduced from $28 million, The Washington Post reported.

At least nine people died on the French side of the island, which is shared with the Netherlands, USA Today reported. Many other high-priced villas, hotel, and modest homes were reduced to rubble in the face of the Category 5 hurricane.



  1. Trump knows how to build

  2. Probably because it was built better, if only the homes and people could have been protected by a seawall, the weather service has known for decades and it was all in the news back during Katrina, the poorest section the ninth ward was hit the hardest because of money and little thought.

  3. he made the hurricane, so I'm sure he ordered it to bypass his resort... at least there's one snowflake that will claim this!

  4. Build it with concrete and it will always stand the test of time!

    1. Wrong wrong and more wrong. But who needs facts for onlime debates anyway?

  5. It's called quality construction. Trump knows how to get it done right!

  6. Ought to be worth a lot more now, as the only turn key operation still left standing on the island.

  7. Or it could be because this structure faces west, out of the main zone expected to recieve the highest storm surge, protected by a bay, amd out of the face of the most destructive winds.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Or it could be because this structure faces west, out of the main zone expected to recieve the highest storm surge, protected by a bay, amd out of the face of the most destructive winds.

    September 13, 2017 at 5:44 PM

    lol or you could be grasping for straws


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