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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Trump may have built support for kneeling, but kneelers’ tactics are overshadowing their real cause

Kneeling on the field during the National Anthem is no longer just about Colin Kaepernick or about criminal justice reform — it’s about whether or not you support President Donald Trump calling kneeling players “sons of bitches.”

The situation has devolved into a triple irony.

The first irony is that Trump has added support to the kneelers. Only Trump’s most loyal supporters believe he is justified in calling a fellow law-abiding American a “son of a bitch.” It’s simply not appropriate for the office. Before his Friday comments, it was a fairly small group of people actively supporting Kaepernick and those kneeling on the field; after the weekend, most Democrats and anti-Trumpers have now adopted it as their cause — growing the movement considerably.

But here’s the second irony: very few, if any of these new additions understand the motives for the protests in the first place. Following social media and conversations around the city, it’s clear people are standing with the NFL players for their right to protest and against Trump’s attacks.



  1. When the ratings go down, the advertisers leave and the money dries up they will start to listen to what's being said. It's not about Trump or racism or social justice or whatever.
    It's ALL about respect and love for our Country, the great USA. Best nation in the world.

  2. Anybody out there support the Football Players. I am not hearing many people that are????

  3. I don't know where this information comes from, but all I'm hearing is people are not standing with the nfl. What city are they in?...Bmore,Chicago,Detriot??

  4. No it's not. That's what YOU want it to be about. You can try all you want to continue the divisive tactics Drumpf has been using. Plain to see that our country is more divided under his Presidency than ever before in recent history.

    1. 1:44 And you are too ignorant to see that the flame was fanned long before Trump made it into office. Your messiah Obama fueled that fire for 8 years.
      But you keep drinking that koolaid the MSM is feeding you. All it takes is a little research to see that people aka fans are fed up with the NFL and they are showing their displeasure in record numbers. If you can't see that then you really are ignorant.

  5. In less then a week Trump had the NFL on their knee's.

  6. I want to see a reporter ask this one question to any of the kneeling athletes:

    "How is your kneeling helping fight oppression?"

    Let us see if there is any intelligent response. My guess is NO

  7. "America First." We are taking America back from the Anti-Americans that want to overthrow our constitution. "Making America Great Again."

    Enough people voted for Trump to make him President of the country. Check the viewership ratings for the NFL last week. Trump and America supporters are just getting started. We don't want to see multimillion dollar players protesting on a field meant for playing football for OUR entertainment. The owners, and Goodall, are going to capitulate and stop those actions on the field, or we will put them out of business. Its that simple. One more week of football games is going to put the writing on the wall for them. We hope they can read. Then again, they may play a "Hillary" and blame everything else but fan objections to the protests on the field.....

  8. Is this protest no different than the statue situation?

  9. In actually if the kneeling protesters would have taken a different time to show their disdain for their cause then to pick the playing of the National Anthem and showing respect for the American flag then I think this whole situation would have had a completely different ending.

    I have heard people talking for a long time about what Kaepernick did and I never heard one word in support of him except from some of the other football players. If what he did was so great then why is he still out of a job, except the wonderful $16 million he's getting he doesn't have to toil over now. (and if that isn't a slap in the face of every working American then I don't know what it)

    Most people don't care what their Cause is now. In their minds the disrespect for America, Veterans, the United States of America Flag and everything that is American is unacceptable.

  10. I would guess that 1:44 is a Liberal and has no understanding of what it means to be a Proud American. It is Useless arguing with him, as he would prefer to Spit on the Flag than to Respect it. This Community -- and This Country -- are Conservative, and Will Be for At Least Two Generations to Come. People Like You should probably Just Leave because you can't handle being on the Losing Side of Elections and Want to Impose Your Views on the Rest of Us.

  11. The real cause is liberals want to do away with the Constitution and make their own and if your for what it stands for your a racist.

  12. It may be clear that people believe the players have the right to protest. I also believe the players have the right to protest, just not on my dime. If they want to protest outside the stadium that I subsidized, before the game I don't have a problem with that. If they want to wait until after the game, I don't have a problem with that. If they want to protest on their days off, I don't have a problem with that. If they want to protest while they are supposed to be working and charging people outrageous amounts of money to come and see them PLAY BALL, that when I have a problem. That is also when the owner's of the team of the head of the NFL should have a problem. If I went to my job tomorrow, walked in and said, "No I can't start working yet, I have to take a knee down here in the front office to protest social injustice," I don't think I would have a job by lunchtime. So while the article may be correct in saying people agree with their right to protest, that is not to say that we agree with them taking a knee because we absolutely DO NOT! Keep it up NFL and you won't have to worry about stopping them. You won't be able to pay them and they'll have to stop.


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