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Monday, September 25, 2017

Trump doubles down on tirade against NFL anthem kneelers

President Donald Trump continued his Twitter war with the NFL on Saturday, this time taking aim at Commissioner Roger Goodell for permitting players to protest by kneeling during the national anthem.

‘Roger Goodell of NFL just put out a statement trying to justify the total disrespect certain players show to our country,’ the president tweeted. ‘Tell them to stand!’

Earlier on Saturday, Trump doubled down on his criticism of NFL players who refuse to stand during the national anthem, despite fierce backlash from the league and players.

'If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL, or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the national anthem,' he said on Twitter Saturday afternoon.



  1. They can't agree on why they even do it...LOL

  2. I stand with our President on this. Their political opinions need to be outside the workplace . Just like yours & mine!

  3. Our country is becoming more divided than ever. The division is being fueled by POTUS

  4. 9:38 The division was fueled and stoked by our former POTUS and is still being stoked by the MSM. But you keep on drinking that koolaid.

  5. I am so glad and proud we have a great president once again. Best feeling I've had in many years. And reference POTUS fueling it 9:38, President Donald J. Trump did not divide this country. The only fuel he has is within his own body. That man has more energy than any lazy ball player that can't stand on their own feet. The same with has been fat ass Stevie Wonder. You know what is happening, so no need in me wasting time explaining it to you.

  6. 9:38.
    I'm surprised you could spell POTUS.

    I guess your hero Oblamo brought us all together.


  7. Some are doing it to be in solidarity with Kapernick or however it is spelled... Others are doing it to be in the lime light... Kapernick supposedly did it for police brutality... Which is funny, becasue 90% of you people don't think it exists even with evidence, and you are going against America and what it stands for, becasue of police brutality, and even if that is true, that is the wrong way to go about it, it is not america that held you down, that gave you the opportunity to play a sport to make millions and you have a problem with America??? GO protest or boycott the police versus America!!!!

  8. This has nothing at all to do with race, oppression, or whatever they are going to use next. This is the Main Stream Media and the Democrats pushing all this garbage to keep our country divided like they have for the last 10-12 years.

  9. Our country is being deceived by the media and those who control it. If you want to go after someone unmask them.

  10. 920 - sadder than that is most doing even know WHY they are doing it! One NFL player (believe Ravens) said "I'm doin it for my brothers."

    What the eff answer is that?

    Americans STAND for the national anthem. If you have an agenda, better use another platform to garner attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. President Trump is doing the right thing.
    The division started when Obama was in office.

  12. 9:38 ok snowflake! did you forget who the morons are that started this? bite the hand that feeds you. if it wasn't for all those patriotic fans who's family members have sacrificed and served our great country over many generations then these athletes wouldn't have the opportunity to become millionaires and disrespect our country and most of all disrespect those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so the rest of us can live in peace and have opportunities the rest of the world doesn't get! Ameica love it or leave it! easy enough!
    done with no fun league or is it national felons league? dont matter also done with nfl sponsors! enjoy it while it lasts.
    Think trump should revoke nfls antitrust status also!

  13. If he can keep this tempest in a teapot going, maybe no one will notice that a second crappy Republican health care bill is about to go down in flames.

  14. Trump is not the one dividing us. It's the NFL players that can't stand for the National Anthem that is dividing people. Just look at the players they don't know whether to stand or kneel. That's division. People pay to watch them play football not make political statements. They should do their jobs and leave the politics at home for their time off.


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