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Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Tracking Military Weaponry Flowing To America's Local Police Departments

Last week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced President Donald Trump's plan to distribute military gear to state and local law enforcement agencies.

The rule change means weapons typically reserved for war-time use – tracked armored (tank-like) vehicles, weaponized aircraft and vessels, grenade launchers, bayonets, and firearms with ammunition of .50-caliber or higher – will start flowing to local law enforcement agencies through the Department of Defense’s 1033 Program.

Yes, the story is familiar. In 2016, we sounded the alarm at Forbesabout the Obama administration sending heavy weapons to local police departments.

We noted that people of good faith on both the left and right were raising serious concerns regarding civil liberties and the growth of government.

Today, the same questions are valid: What’s the legitimate law enforcement purpose for these weapons? Does the militarization of local police threaten our civil liberties?



  1. I wouldn't trust most cops with the sidearms they have now let alone the military grade weapons they could "accidentally discharge."

  2. Need to BANG those Gangs !!! Bring it

  3. Gangs got the good stuff ....just Leveling the playing field !!!!

  4. Use the Military to take out Gangs /Mafias/Cartels/
    Police are Not enough !!! Then, things will Improve !!!

  5. Believe this --- they ain't getting ready for any possible crime wave. They already have enough stuff to suppress any "gang" activity.
    They are preparing.
    For us.
    Who doesn't think North Korea will, sooner or later, send an old beat up freighter, registered under some other flag, off the coast with a rocket just good enough to get 50 miles high and detonate.
    Goodbye west coast polite society.
    Then it spreads (because the ripple effect of supply chains, electric grid overloads, energy shortages, etc.). Then, the .50 cal's and armored vehicles and such come out.
    That's just one scenario. But they HAVE been preparing for something.
    You should, too.

    Or, keep cheering.

  6. Get some Claymores / Flame Throwers / Waterboards !!!!

  7. Claymores are what we need at the border....

  8. I would rather see military weaponry distributed to our police in the U.S.A., than left behind in other countries for them to use against us.

  9. Unfortunately, we are not important anymore.. Only those with the guns
    and tanks are big enuf to properly put us in rightful place.. in graves


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