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Monday, September 04, 2017

This Is Why Donald Trump Calls Them FAKE NEWS | 100% Proof The News Is Fabricated.


  1. I don't need proof of Jesus,UFO's or fake news.I know that all 3 are a reality,but proof is good for the non believers.

  2. People must not accept half-truths.
    Yes, the MSM is fake news.

    But the complete truth is this: MSM was created by and is controlled by the intelligence agencies.

    We are being lied to by a PART of the government - the deep state, which controls the government at the behest of the international bankers. The bankers benefit from everything the government does: spend money it doesn't have, engage in wars of aggression, so on.

    Intelligence works for the bankers through the media.
    The "war on terror" is a ruse.
    It is fake.


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