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Friday, September 08, 2017

These Are The Insane Tactics One Pharma Company Used to Sell An Incredibly Powerful Opioid

A pharmaceutical company that manufactures the prescription painkiller fentanyl repeatedly misrepresented its product and the patients using it in order to boost sales, according to a blistering report released Wednesday by Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.).

The report, part of the senator’s investigation into opioid manufacturers, focuses on a major pharmaceutical company called Insys, which manufactures a fentanyl spray, Subsys, for cancer patients experiencing extreme pain. The spray is extraordinarily potent stuff—this is the same synthetic compound that is illicitly produced and is now fueling the opioid epidemic. Before covering it, insurers require authorization from a doctor in order to make sure that the patient indeed has an active cancer diagnosis, has extreme pain as a result, and has tried other painkillers and is thus tolerant to opioids.



  1. Why are we so surprised our government and our corporations are so corrupt? We ourselves are corrupt. We have allowed all sort of sin and trash and evilness in out lives for years and have not stood up and said "stop". Government and corporations are made up of people. People are sinful. So there you go.

  2. My father put a bullet in his head after taking Fentanyl for less than a week. Any Connection?

  3. Depression can be a consequence of both chronic pain and Fentanyl, with the possibility of a profound state of depression when the two are combined. Sorry for the loss of your Dad, and for his pain.

  4. Sorry for your loss! This drug is a menace.

  5. The drug isn't a menace until it's misused and the people who receive it aren't well monitored by health care providers.

  6. Would not touch fentanyl with a 10 foot pole. I am a cancer patient and it was offered. NO THANKS. I think we as a country put far to much trust in drug manufactures and it is proven by the compounding company that killed numbers of people by mixing lethal doses of nasty moldy shots for injections of back patients that lead to deaths and the company just declared bankruptcy like lives didn't matter.... just the bottom dollar. God help us all.


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