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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Sorry, Hillary, But Benghazi Isn’t Going Away

I’m glad Hillary Clinton isn’t president, and I enjoy the despair of the poor souls who think she should be. But that isn’t sufficient justice for what she’s done. She gets to waddle around promoting her latest stupid book, she gets to bask in the adulation of Democrats and the media (pardon the redundancy), while her uselessness, dishonesty, and flat-out lawlessness continues to go unpunished.

As this awful woman reminds America why we don’t like her as a person, it’s worthwhile to remember that she’s also inept and duplicitous in her professional life. By Catherine Herridge, Pamela K. Browne, and Cyd Upson, Fox News:



  1. Sorry Trump, neither is Russia.

  2. If a any other person commits murder they cannot receive $ for a book, a case OJ Simpson the Goldman and Brown families in their suit were to receive any money OJ received on his stupid book this was court ordered. She is responsible for 4 murdered Americans any $ should go to those families.

  3. 4:25: The difference is the Russian interference is still lacking evidence and Hillary is directly responsible for the loss of human life. So, Trump is doing just fine. Grab another straw.

  4. The media wants the public to focus on HILLARY and BENGHAZI so they won't worry about the CIA and BENGHAZI.
    The murder of a US Ambassador by the intelligence agency is horrific.
    Everyone should be concerned about it.

    It is not safe for any person to expose the criminal elements of the intelligence agencies in the US.
    Very dangerous situation.

  5. The things she is saying in her interviews and book tour just confirm that she is a perpetual liar. She needs therapy quick.


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