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Monday, September 11, 2017

Snow Hill Plans ‘Ride To Sturgis’ Event For Bikers

SNOW HILL – As motorcycles descend on the resort area next week, the town of Snow Hill will again encourage them to “Ride to Sturgis.”

For the second year, Snow Hill will host Ride to Sturgis, an afternoon of food and festivities for bikers in Sturgis Park. The event is set for Saturday, Sept. 16, from noon to 4 p.m.

“We’re trying to make this a bigger event every year,” said Michael Day, the town’s economic development consultant.

Day said the idea for Ride to Sturgis came about a couple of years ago when a local merchant pointed out that the town’s park had the same name as the South Dakota town known for its famous motorcycle rally. Aware that thousands of motorcycles visited Worcester County each September during OC BikeFest and Delmarva Bike Week, Day decided Ride to Sturgis was the perfect way to draw some of those visitors to Snow Hill.



  1. “We’re trying to make this a bigger event every year,” said Michael Day, the town’s economic development consultant.

    Michael Day, a washed up douche bag from the Salisbury City Council. Stealing from Delmarva Bike Week.

    That clown needs to be more original and do his own damn thing. If he is on Snow Hill's payroll they can do much better than that.

  2. My thought's exactly 9:30. I thought he was fleecing Berlin, Maryland. Snow Hill take note. You know it is true what has been said by 9:30, because this guy you employ was trained in Salisbury.

  3. Great idea! The bikes are here on the shore to ride, not park in OC. Great side trip to Snow Hill. There's a dozen different scenic ways through the forest to get there. I would do it. They will be welcome in town, and they will all get to see what small towns on the Eastern Shore have to offer, in beauty and things to do.

  4. 9:30, 8:08: Michael Day is a nice guy, met him while he worked in Pocomoke. You two seem spiteful towards someone who is doing their job, promoting tourism. This brings in hundreds of people who would not have otherwise driven through Snow Hill. I bet one of you were the ones who complain how ridiculous the blessing of the combines function was. Yet it was another big turnout. I wish I could go to your place of employment and shout lies about you. How is he stealing from bike week? You can't answer that, but you still call him a thief. It use to be a big deal calling someone a thief, now any Jerk will do it. Haters will hate, I suppose. They just look like idiots when they do.

  5. September 12, 2017 at 11:02 AM:

    Yes, you are correct. It is amazing what people will say and allege under the cover of anonymity. They would never put their names on statements like theirs because they could be held liable for slander.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Great idea! The bikes are here on the shore to ride, not park in OC. Great side trip to Snow Hill. There's a dozen different scenic ways through the forest to get there. I would do it. They will be welcome in town, and they will all get to see what small towns on the Eastern Shore have to offer, in beauty and things to do.

    September 12, 2017 at 9:25 AM

    Thanks Mike Day now get back to work and try to figure something else to steal since you obviously have no ideas of your own.

  7. Anonymous said...
    9:30, 8:08: Michael Day is a nice guy, met him while he worked in Pocomoke. You two seem spiteful towards someone who is doing their job, promoting tourism. This brings in hundreds of people who would not have otherwise driven through Snow Hill. I bet one of you were the ones who complain how ridiculous the blessing of the combines function was. Yet it was another big turnout. I wish I could go to your place of employment and shout lies about you. How is he stealing from bike week? You can't answer that, but you still call him a thief. It use to be a big deal calling someone a thief, now any Jerk will do it. Haters will hate, I suppose. They just look like idiots when they do.

    September 12, 2017 at 11:02 AM

    They ride to Chincoteague so don't say they won't go through Ghetto Snow Hell.

    But it sounds like Mike Day is patting himself on the back again.

  8. Anonymous said...
    September 12, 2017 at 11:02 AM:

    Yes, you are correct. It is amazing what people will say and allege under the cover of anonymity. They would never put their names on statements like theirs because they could be held liable for slander.

    September 12, 2017 at 1:24 PM

    Pot, meet Kettle.

  9. September 12, 2017 at 1:24 PM

    Pot, meet Kettle.

    September 12, 2017 at 2:05 PM:

    I think the kettle is on pot...

  10. A lot of people with a lot of negative thoughts when it comes to Snow Hill events. Also, Michael Day is just doing his job. The reason his face is the one in front of the camera is because he's, again, just doing his job.

    2:05: I think you don't understand the cliche "Pot, calling the Kettle..." The post does not call anyone a thief like the comments they were addressing. It was an agreement to 11:02.

    2:05: I have never had to go through Snow Hill to get to Chincoteague, they don't have to either. So is Chincoteague stealing from Bike week? According to your "logic", it would appear so. Why so hateful?

    2:04: Why is he stealing from bike week? It is the same darn county! It's a good thing! How is that stealing?

  11. Nobody said he wasn't a nice guy. There are a lot of nice guys that are screwed up.


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