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Friday, September 15, 2017

Salisbury Man Sentenced On 1st Degree Rape


  1. Great job wicomico county!! This guy will be off the streets for a long long time

  2. He looks like a Cro-Magnon man

  3. A face only a mother could love! Hope Bubba thinks he's cute!

  4. Now if only previous prosecutors had put this animal behind bars, the victim in this case would have never been a victim at all and would be leading a normal life without the horrific memories of this crime. Check out his rap sheet. NUMEROUS assault, sexual assault, peeping tom, burglary, indecent exposure, child pornography, DUI, rape, false imprisonment and kidnapping offenses that mostly result in Nolle Prosequi or a slight slap on the wrist. While this man is an absolute monster, the blood isn't only on his hands; it is also on the hands of all of the judges and prosecutors that let him continue to walk the streets after such atrocious crimes.

    Kudos to Kristen Schultz, the Wicomico County State's Attorney's office and the judge that finally lock this guy up!

  5. Good Lord! That man is f-ugly!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He looks like a Cro-Magnon man

    September 15, 2017 at 1:50 PM

    I was thinking along those same lines.

  7. He last was living down the street from me and I saw his pic on the sex abuser web site. I wouldn't allow my children to play outside alone once I saw his picture and his past crimes. I saw him one night in a ditch down the street drunk. I wanted to run him over. Thank you God I no longer have to have the anxiety of him in mind.

  8. He should never be let out a animal, worse then a rabid dog.

  9. This is a prime example of castration candidate. You can look into the eyes there's absolutely nothing there, he can't be reformed or helped in any way

  10. So does this mean with "good time served" this animal will be out to rape again????


  12. I wonder if he raped a prmc employee. Center street is directly near prmc parking lots. Honestly the fact that he got that many years surprised me. Wicomico has given many rapist and child rapist alike a lot less. Maybe this was one of those high profile rapes that was covered up which you been screaming about for a lonnng while maybe will get lucky and he ll be killed in prison

  13. @ 7:20 Castration is a good thought, however, even without the testosterone the person could still ( as bad as it sounds) rape with other objects, still molest, still assault victims...the only 100 % effective way to keep a sex offender from doing it again is to keep them out of society.

    1. I say the most effective way is to put em down like we do rabid dangerous animals

    2. @6:55 you're absolutely correct. If I'm reading correctly he will definitely do minimum 45 years. I'm like you @8:54 this guy needs to be put down, he absolutely has not one positive thing to contribute to society. Have a feeling he won't make it prison system very long though


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