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Monday, September 25, 2017



  1. Nope, they are too selfish. I'm done with them.

  2. Now that's what I'm talking about dirty no good NFL Sissy's can't support the men and women that pay there salery!

  3. Because those sitting are really cowards!! I am officially done watching as well. Took some time, but this past weekend finished for me.

  4. I hated NFL anyway, just hate it more now.

  5. If police officers are so bad why does the NFL still have them at the games? Why do the police go into private stadiums to provide security?

    The NFL is a very wealthy organization they should pay for private security. Since the NFL has become a political business are they still going to get sweet deals and tax breaks from the government? I turned off football this weekend and blocked the pregame shows. You now need a code to be able to watch them in my house. I wonder if comcast is tracking this.

  6. Dishonest post is a dishonest straw man argument.

    Those brave soldiers put their lives on the line and die for freedom. For liberty. For our rights.

    To demonize someone for exercising their rights, and then to make it an argument that they shame the people who protect those very rights with their lives is abominable.

    For shame. To use these men's very lives to bolster your false nationalism. For shame.

    Want forced nationalism, forced patriotism.... you'll find plenty of that in North Korea, Nazi Germany, Communist nations... you know... those places we call the enemy?

    You have forgotten why America is so precious. So special.

    You need not agree with the person to support their rights. If you can't, you shouldn't call yourself a patriot.. probably not call yourself American either.

  7. The Ball park Punks need to be sent to a warzone !!!
    Bring our Troops home to take their place and Play Ball !!

  8. AAAhhh, the "straw man" guy again.
    You have missed the point again.

    NO ONE is denying anyone their rights. No player has been fined, fired, shot at, or beaten up. Use your rights.
    All that is being said is that they have chosen the wrong time and place to use those rights. That is all. It's HARD for Americans who work 40-60 hrs a week and make $30,000 a year to think that millionaires suffer.
    People watching the NFL (fewer and fewer every week) tune in to see football being played, not the latest tune from the liberal left songbook. Or the latest complaint about
    One of the reasons the dumb democrats lost (and continue to lose) is that they keep trying every avenue available to denigrate Trump and the United States.
    Everyday Americans are getting fed up with the whining, sissy, cross-dressing, forever offended, losers telling the rest of us the sky is green or how bad it is here in the USA.
    I hope I didn't throw any straw stuff around.


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