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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Puerto Rican devastation could mean more Florida voters

SAN JUAN — As Puerto Rico slips deeper into what many call a humanitarian crisis following Hurricane Maria, the island is primed for a mass exodus of what could be 1 million people — a sizable number of whom are expected to settle in Florida, the nation's biggest swing state.

That could well prove to be a boon to Democrats in a state which the past four top-of-the-ticket races have been decided by about a percentage point.

"It’s going to mean a lot more people voting Democrat in Florida," Marco Rigau, president of the San Juan municipal assembly, told POLITICO Wednesday, a week ahead of President Donald Trump’s scheduled visit to the commonwealth. “Puerto Ricans don’t like President Trump. When he shows on Tuesday, he’ll say ‘The Puerto Ricans love me’ because people won’t be picketing. But he has no idea.”



  1. Since the Puerto Ricans are so unhappy with the job President Trump is doing, perhaps he should pull back the 10,000 federal employees that he sent and let them wait until there is a democratic President again. After all their horrible economy tanked under the last president.

  2. Puerto Ricans love Trump. Many recognize their failed economic policies can be chalked up to Democratic follies.
    Don't believe the MSM.

  3. Send Bill and Hillary down instead and see how well PR comes back together, using Haiti as the example of their previous "success."

  4. Pull everyone out of there, move them to Florida and abandon the island.

  5. 404 did the voices on your head tell you that

  6. Trump bankrupted on a 33 million dollar golf course in Puerto Rico leaving them to foot the bill for the bond. So they're actually in debt due to him as well

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Since the Puerto Ricans are so unhappy with the job President Trump is doing, perhaps he should pull back the 10,000 federal employees that he sent and let them wait until there is a democratic President again. After all their horrible economy tanked under the last president.

    September 30, 2017 at 2:46 PM

    It's not the citizens, it's that dunderhead mayor. You know, the one who supports terrorists and one in particular for several years.

    If the citizens felt the same way as her, I would say pull the plug and let them fend for themselves, but that's not the case.

    Ever notice when one of those crybabies attack Trump for something he said or did, in the end, Trump is proven right and these clowns have enough egg on their faces to make 3 dozen cakes or more? Will they ever learn


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