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Friday, September 15, 2017

Please look carefully at this picture.

Colleen Hawk

Please look carefully at this picture. I took it at the very crowded rest stop just inside the AL border. The man in the white striped t-shirt is handing out free water. His crew behind him, behind the table, was BBQing hamburgers and hot dogs. All the fixings are on the table. And. They. Were. GIVING IT ALL AWAY FOR FREE to hungry/weary evacuees, of which we are. They were generous. They were welcoming. They were selflessly working on a hot day for the benefit of others. When I asked who they were, the angel on earth said, "just people, ma'am. Just people who love God and want to help." I tried to give a donation, as there was no donation box. He refused it. Told me to put it in my gas tank. No, I insisted. I begged him to take it. I told him to help replenish the supplies OR pass it along to another in need greater than us. Only then did he take it. He said he would. I had to walk away because I was starting to cry. This is what a Christian looks like to me. Gary Hawk


  1. A Trump supporter. You won't see this on CNN. They condemned Trump for "prematurely" calling today's London bucket bomb an act of terrorism, even though that is what it's been called all day. That was their headline, with a smaller headline about the actual details.

  2. And that is what Christian is too!
    God Bless them and you too!

  3. We are God's Hand extended. Many Christians will do this given the opportunity...There are probably thousands upon thousands of good deeds done in the name of Jesus all over America and millions over the World...we just never see them.

  4. Members of the other race were busy rescuing shoes.

  5. GOD bless them and all others who go out of their way to help others.

  6. God bless those people!

  7. Christians' good deeds go unnoticed most of the time because it's not what the public wants to read about. And Christians don't help people to be seen or heard. They really care and give.

  8. All well and good until some government clip board warrior or chip on his shoulder cop shows up.

  9. Amen bless their souls.


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