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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Paul Ryan Reportedly Says No Chance for Border Wall at Private Dinner

House Speaker Paul Ryan, at a private dinner earlier this year, said he thought only “one member” wanted to build a wall across the entire U.S.-Mexico border, Breitbart News has learned from multiple sources with direct knowledge of the comments, including former Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO).

The dinner, sources said, took place on the eve of the House’s passage of two relatively minor immigration bills at the end of June: Kate’s Law and sanctuary city reforms. The far wider reaching Davis-Oliver Act was tabled at the same time.

“Ryan told a group of Republicans he met with … that only one person wants a wall,” Tancredo told Breitbart News shortly after the dinner.

Tancredo took issue with the Speaker’s characterization of support for the wall within the House GOP. “Of course he means only one person in his entourage and of the leadership,” he told Breitbart News. “I know several people in Congress who want a wall and I know that there are millions of Americans who want a wall.”

“You have to understand the level of fear that exists in the Republican establishment about this issue,” Tancredo told Breitbart News, seeking to explain the pressures that Republican members of Congress face when addressing immigration.

More here


  1. Paul Ryan is a traitor to this country.

    Someone need to charge him with treason and set him up for a public hanging.

  2. Why would he want a wall at a private dinner?

  3. Lil Eddie Munster needs to go. He is worthless and out of touch with what we the people want and expect.
    The GOP as a whole has let the people down.

  4. screw that cheese head. most of those people live in their own little bubble

  5. No need for a wall if you pass a law jailing for 5 years anyone that hires an illegal. To help enforcement, give informants $5000 for turning in the employers!

  6. Ryan the RINO has got to go.

  7. Why Not ? JUst tax All liquor entering from Mex and make
    Them thus PAY for the wall, as Trump Promised !!!
    Paid Off in a YEAR !!! No Sweat !!!! Problem Solved !!!

  8. Lil Eddie Munster.....love it!

  9. MEXICO will be paying for the frigg'in wall !!!! LOL LOL

  10. It's killing Ryan and his sissy bunch that their true colors and agenda are being exposed.
    They wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire.
    NOW, you can see who they REALLY answer to and here's a big clue, especially for you cheerleaders --- it ain't you.
    They just need you for crowd noise.
    And you never let them down.
    Keep cheering.

  11. Tax on just the Beer , will pay for the WALL in a year !!!!


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