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Monday, September 25, 2017

Owners Would Lose Money Signing Kaepernick

The main reason why Colin Kaepernick remains unsigned is pretty simple: money.

I threw a question to everybody on Twitter yesterday and asked, “Would you stop supporting your favorite NFL team if they signed Colin Kaepernick?”

The poll is hovering around 70 percent ceasing support for their favorite NFL team if it signed Kaepernick after 1,300 votes.

I understand that a Twitter poll is hardly scientific, but I think it’s pretty accurate when it comes to the general consensus of serious football fans. My followers on average are big football fans. They’re the type of people that buy tickets to the games, tailgate, are likely boosters at their universities and generally just care more than a casual fan.

The fact 70 percent of them would stop supporting their team is enough to give an owner a heart attack. However, for the sake of argument, lets assume that only five percent of fans would cutoff their support following the signing of Kaepernick.

He’d absolutely still not get signed because there’s not a business owner in the world willing to lose five percent of his base over one average at best employee. It’s really this simple. It’s not about racism, being blackballed or any larger conspiracy.



  1. ....and the main reason ALL teams are losing money.. u guessed it, same ole K.

    You see, (many) Americans see our flag as representing what our relatives died for. These people that put down our flag put down our vets that have sacrificed. If that is what you feel, say it and please state your name. I can guarantee that you will not hear anything from us again.

    Unfortunately, what YOU may be coming across as is simply a whining minority. There are other minorities by the way. That said, most of my "customers" happen to be BLACK minorities. They are mostly respectful to me as I am to them.

    Let the next champions be chess masters. I don't care. I just don't see me "worshipping" football people with so little to CONTRIBUTE.

  2. I think this article does not illustrate the full potential loss. I believe the owner of the Baltimore Ravens he's probably pissed off more than 30% of his loyal fans. What effect will that have on his bottom line. Even though the Baltimore media will not show you many people were burning their Ravens jerseys yesterday and today. Maybe the owner of the Ravens has so much money he could care less about losing part of his fan base.

  3. god knows the world is going to end if the nfl goes down. screw em. football is like lynard skynard, the band is fine but the fans and culture are horrid.

    1. What the hell are you talking about? Do you even know? To be a little more credible with your whimsical little sentence you've been waiting to use, at least learn how to spell the name of the band correctly. You really are a Simple Man.

  4. If NFL owners get in a jam the swamp will bail them out with our money.

  5. Respect our country or get out. Seems you respect our money. Go home. Preach to someone who cares.

  6. It's not about taking a knee with Kaperdouche he can't play he's not able to remember changes to the plays or the new play books. Remember Vick the dog fighter Lewis the murderer they still got jobs and several others.

  7. Solution....don't give these turds the attention they so dearly need and crave, for their existence.


  8. They'll never see, or spend, the money I don't spend on them or their financial root system. Lots of bars and restaurants will loose also.


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