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Friday, September 08, 2017

Mom Not Thrilled That Teen Daughter’s New Mobile Number Used To Belong To Escort

With just about every person in every family having their own cellphone, odds are that whenever you get a “new” number, it’s actually a recycled number that previously belonged to at least one other person. But not all of us can hit the recycled number lottery and end up with Sir Mix-A-Lot’s old digits. No, some folks will be stuck having to explain to strange callers that they are not “Pebbles,” the escort who once used that phone number. 

1 comment:

  1. A few years ago my 70 yrs old moms number was published on this "hook up sex text website". I had to have txt conversations with a couple of people who were initiating a "conversation" with her to find out what was going on, one was a college kid who said he was bored in class the other was a highschool kid on his moms phone. She was getting bombarded with these "chat" requests. Then it took me a couple of hours to find out who owned the website and get her number removed.

    At first they said they had no control over the issue. I threatened them and they eventually came around to realizing the implications I could sue them on.

    It made for a interesting day.


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