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Sunday, September 10, 2017



  1. If this was the way they were all handled we would have better police and more respect from the public.

  2. Jake Day and Barbara Duncan could take a page out of this book. Honesty, transparency, & integrity.

  3. I agree 6:57, because the two responded in the best they could. I'm not pulling a Trump on the media, but they do ask the dumbest questions in suggestive ways. Like one and not a quote, why was this justified? And the good mayor simply stated it wasn't justified. It appears the media (likely their local) go after blood when in my humble opinion should be going after solutions. After the investigation if it is found the police employee can continue and learn from this with a reprimand, I again see nothing wrong with that outcome. Do we kick a man while he is down? They sure try to "rehab" the bad guy and put him back in society.

  4. Serving citizens doesn't entail roughing up nurses doing their job and following hospital procedures. The detective was trying to intimidate and bully her by threatening arrest. This is not the purpose of arresting people.

    He should have been suspended without pay pending investigative outcomes. The only reason the mayor is apologetic is because the nurse could have a lawsuit against the city.

    1. No procedures but LAWS as determined by the Supreme court in 2016.. his ONLY job with the police dept was to draw blood and he or any of the other policemen addressing this did not know the current laws regarding this???????? He should be fired as well as whomever is running this department !

  5. How many of these same type of incidents happen we never hear about?

  6. There are officers in EVERY police department that need to be relieved of there jobs and some how they seem to be able to keep there jobs until they're caught on film or worst. This officer has done this many times before just like a drunk driver only gets caught 1 out of 100 times they have driven. Not all are bad by far most do there jobs well it's those bad apples that need to go and it starts with the department heads doing what is right when THEY should.

  7. This is a LOT softer response than I expected, and its only reason is that there were 2 body/ cell cams from 2 angles of the same thing made public for all to see. An apology was definitely due, but so is this cop's immediate firing from his job. When all the rules were calmly explained to him and he was being informed by Hospital Administration he would be committing a "grave mistake", he acted within about 10 seconds after weighing that information and initiated an assault on the Nurse. Courts call that "premeditated", which it clearly was.

    He needs to be fired immediately and he can ask for his job back after his conviction, fines, and jail time and after the Nurse wins his pension and house and enough money to pay off the rest of her life in the Civil suit.

    And add punitive damages to all the departments whose police stood by and watched as their brother committed a crime.

  8. CYA that's all this is. Oh get out the check book.

  9. @ 9:49 The cop was way over the top but I don't believe his life should be ruined....Over emotional a bit...LOL

  10. 1023 you can say that now, but what would you say if you were treated this way by the police? Something says your tune would change drastically.

  11. 1023, 040 back at you. How about if I'm a large male nurse and you're a cop that I want you to do something, ANYTHING, they would be illegal for you to do and when you refused, I would go ballistic on you, grab you, wrestle you and cuff you with tour own handcuffs while my whole nursing team stood around in a circle and let me have my way? Then I held you in captivity for the same amount of time in a closet in the hospital?

    Tell me, dear, what would the rest of MY life look like after that, if you didn't shoot me dead on the spot?

    Please, do tell us all!

  12. Take on COPS and YOU loose ...........Nurse Wrong !!!

  13. 1129 you really think the nurse will 'loose'? Seems to me she's got a brilliant lawsuit for police brutality much like we saw here in Salisbury not too long ago. Rommel didn't 'loose' so doubt this nurse will 'loose'!

    BTW, would be good if you learned proper use of the English language. When you make arguments using the wrong word, you LOSE!

  14. Nurse already Lost and should have went to jail.....
    and cops will win their case No Doubt !!!

    Quit Hating on cops .....do as they tell you to do
    Not as you Want to do !!!!

    1. Perhaps if cops would behave appropriately we would.

  15. 1204 having a problem with ONE cop's action is not hating on cops. And no, the nurse hasn't lost, if she had the mayor and police chief wouldn't be publicly sucking her knee caps. They are trying to avert a lawsuit because they know she HAS grounds for a lawsuit and it would be a most winnable one at that. Get out of the sticks, buddy. Your ignorance is too hard to ignore.

  16. 1204 proves why people fail to learn from history. What happened to Salisbury when those SU kids sued for a similar situation? The kids won, the city LOST! Happy trails, ignoramous.

  17. If cops were wrong on Protocol they will pay later.....
    But that does not excuse nurse for Physically Interefering
    with the cops...she should have simply stood back and watched.....and Not try to fight with them...thus Handcuffed

    She made her mistake and lost that battle .....
    She Wrong too ........ for that much !!!!!!

    1. You idiot. She was protecting the rights of the patient. How can people be so comfortable handing over their personal freedoms?

  18. 1231 hasn't watched the video. She didn't interfere with the detective or even advance towards him. She explained what she needed and he said she refused to comply with his unlawful procedure. Case closed. Don't make up sh** that didn't happen. It makes you fake news.

  19. Reason so may people get hurt or even get shot these days by
    Not Following police orders ..........Thinking they don't
    Have To !!!! Just Do as you are told .... Period

    1. Really? Even if it is again the constitution and the law? So why have a judges, juries and laws if the cops are to make all decisions? Thats such an ignorant egotistical response.. the exact thinking that gets cops attacked and killed for just being "cops" and why cops have lost community support.

  20. Gotta love these keyboard attorneys on here. The cop was wrong, they said he was wrong and you continue to opine. Then add in the grammar police. This blog should charge for the entertainment. Love it and POTUS!!

  21. The only thing acceptable is for this Detective to resign or be fired. Unaceptable response. Interested in seeing the law suit that is sure to follow.

  22. All poor patient had to SAVE them was the POLICE, since
    Nurse was Refusing to do ANYthing !!!

  23. 4:18 common sense , Hope someone Helps Patient !! U Right

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    @ 9:49 The cop was way over the top but I don't believe his life should be ruined....Over emotional a bit...LOL

    September 3, 2017 at 10:23 AM

    How many lives have cops ruined? Even if someone is exonerated the damage is still there. It can take decades to clear one's reputation, sometimes longer and some will never recover. The cop was on an ego trip, like so many others. And what about the cops' superior in the 29-minute video who told the nurse he has done this for 22 "fing" years so it wasn't illegal?

    He was backing up the cop in question and HE was wrong also. And like someone has already mentioned, how many other times has stuff like this happened we don't know about?

    I think this cop has other issues going on that we are not aware of yet. And if his superior was wrongly backing him up, that throws some shade on the whole department.

    Regardless if the nurse sues or not, this cop should not be allowed to interact with the public at all after this and certainly not this nurse.

  25. NoBody wants to be a Cop ......NO WONDER !!!!

  26. What about the HIPPA ACT she would not have a job anymore if she had complied and she would of been sued for violating the HIPPA ACT

  27. I am pro-police...However I am more pro-Constitution. This thug with a badge KNEW he was violating both the patient's and the accident victim's civil rights specifically the 4th and 5th amendments. The police the nurse quoted to him was developed in concert with the SLPD. The accident victim however, was also a police officer from SE Idaho. The officers, yes officers, involved should permanently lose their badges and face charges like any of the rest of us. Specifically, Assault ( a felony when perpetrated on a health professional in Utah ), Public Endangerment, Kidnapping and Police Brutality. He was WAAYYYY outside of his line of duty AND he had the training to know. Even if he didn't...what happens to you with the ignorance of the law argument? The standard for police should not be different from the rest of us. He's nothing more than a thug with a badge and the others were accomplices in his crimes.

  28. Regardless if the nurse sues or not, this cop should not be allowed to interact with the public at all after this and certainly not this nurse.

    September 3, 2017 at 6:11 PM

    I guess I was right. Police are now barred from all patient care areas and direct contact with nurses. Still hoping this cop faces charges and his certification in law enforcement is rescinded.


  29. Another poster had it right when he asked how many times has this cop and his crew beat up suspects, body slammed someone with a smart mouth, violated citizens rights, and who knows what else that DIDN'T get captured on film?
    Oh right. This was the first time he ever used his badge to show people that no matter what he says, they better do it. Even when he is TOLD by other police NOT TO DO IT. THEY are so used to violating the law that they can ORDER other people to do it. Barking orders at people like they are ordering around some muslim insurgents in Iraq. Ready to get violent and WANTING it to escalate. She should have just run because his fat ace couldn't have run 20 steps before collapsing. But, he would have shot her in the back. Because you know he was afraid.
    Having great authority (event the lowliest, newly hired deputy can kill you at will) come great responsibility. Like knowing what the law is BEFORE you "enforce" it.
    And for OTHER cops to stand there and let that happen tells you everything you need to know about their commitment to "protect and serve".
    Keep cheering.


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