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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Martin O'Malley: 'I just might' run for president in 2020

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley didn't shy away from rumors that he might attempt another run for the presidency in 2020.

Asked about it on Saturday during an interview on MSNBC, O'Malley said, "Sure, I just might."

O'Malley ran a longshot campaign in 2016 for the Democratic nomination. He dropped out eight days before the New Hampshire's second-in-the-nation primary after a dismal showing in the Iowa caucuses against Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

O'Malley said Saturday that he is "focused" now on travelling the country providing a boost to Democratic candidates who are running in more immediate races as the 2018 midterms approach, including stops in Virginia and New Jersey.



  1. Your not JFK [like you think you] are but go for it, we need a good laugh.

  2. Good idea, you can screw the nation like you did here in Md.

  3. Is this a new stand-up comedy show on Broadway.


  4. That will be fine. The more the merrier.

    Let these delusional democrats line up and run, and burn off what little cash the dems still have.

  5. O'Malley is as thick as a brick. He didn't get it from the last primary that no one is interested in him nor do they have any intention of voting for him. He didn't even break 1% during the last primary where he was up against a hardened criminal and an old socialist. Why doesn't this speak to him is just astounding.

  6. Nice guy, terrible leader.

  7. I agree with 9:45 that that is laughable!

  8. He should just run. The gates of hell are starting to open and he and fellow cohorts are soon to be swept away.

  9. He must have alzheimers he can't remember his defeat this last election. Or the fact he was the worst governor Maryland ever had. But he does have the Fake Jake grin.

  10. Addicted to politics, even though he has no base of support. He is delusional about his importance.

  11. This failure will probably pick Liarton as a VP mate!!!!! Both losers on one ticket!!!!

  12. I thought Arya took care of Little Finger on the last episode of Game of thrones?

  13. His legacy was Baltimore in flames.

  14. He turned Maryland into a financial hell hole that we are still trying to get out of. 40+ tax and fee increases and huge budget deficits. He thinks all problems can be solved with tax increases and pandering to the welfare crowd at the expense of the working people who he bleeds financially to death.

  15. And why do you think he is a nice guy 10:38?
    This is very sad that a little fellow is so starved for attention he will spend ever penny possible knowing his own family didn't vote for him before.

  16. nothing nice about him. just like the rest of the democrats he excelled at nothing but lying. He is pure garbage.

  17. Hope he does, and a couple more dumbasses just like him.

  18. lmao. so did what, 16 other "contestants' for the last election? mally-o will have the same fate as those losers as well, and hopefully any other future candidates from the communist state of md.


  19. Doesn't he know Obama said he could keep his doctor; sounds like he's missed a few sessions!

    Last time out he peaked before opening his front door. Smoked by two socialist props with scant actual responsibility across their lifetimes in comparison to his two terms as governor and previous role as Harm City's mayor.

    In comparison to Clintons, Gore, Sanders, Pelosi, MaxyWaters he looks like a youth movement. Too bad Mr. Rain Tax has an actual record to try to explain away. Not gonna happen.

  20. I hope he does.. we need another idiot distraction.
    What a narcissist!

  21. Please run, PLEASE! What a liberal loser and POS.

  22. Who is paying for his travels? He doesn't have a job!

  23. That means he is putting his hands out for some more campaign money to live on. The man doesn't have a JOB!


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